
Yeah, but this is the price we have to pay for the helmet catch. That’s how it works. If you want to make one helmet catch in the 4th quarter of the Super Bowl, you have to agree to give up 243 4th quarter leads with less than 90 seconds to go in the regular season. There are rules.

Change “Eli Manning fraudulent autograph scandal” to “RGIII fraudulent autograph scandal” and that thing would have a lot more legs - both in the media and in the league office.

It wasn’t ice. It wasn’t fire. It was magic. The wall was raised by magic. The Night King was created by magic. Dragons are a product of magic. Magic raised the wall, and magic razed the wall.

Her bombastic enthusiasm, delight, personal responses and the fact that she owns a non-functional thought filter make her a freaking national treasure. I laugh/scream/squeal right along with her!

Not sure I see what the problem is. Fair and balanced is fair and balanced.

I’d like to think “oh he did this because he’s stupid” but honestly I think he did this because 1: they’re fucking untouchable at this point and 2: his supporters don’t give a shit, they see nothing wrong with it. When Trump said that he could fucking shoot people and not lose any supporters, he meant it. Strap in,

I’m to the point where the only thing I found surprising about this is that he’s figured out how to embed a video in a tweet.

The BBC, while trying to be neutral and impartial, still has hosts who don’t like the Government and puts out content that still asks serious questions about its conduct despite being “neutral”.

Yeah, there’s shit talking, but a lot of pros are pretty respectful of each other. It is also a product of the two respective positions. Memory and being tortured by it does not make a good WR/DB. Sure, you remember that X move worked before on a DB or that Y move is likely out of a WR for a DB, but its all a game

Every year, I thank the Jets for being the catalyst for Patriots titles. Not once, but arguably three times. Every time the Jets interfere with the Patriots, the Patriots get mad and win a championship. Keep doing it New Jersey! And thank you. THANK YOU.

Did your wife keep calling it Super Bowl Long Island, like all my friends did?

My rationalization as a liberal Patriots fan about the politics question: Brady and Belichick have known Trump for well over a decade, long before he became Troll-in-Chief. I’m sure for Belichick and Trump is goes back to his days at the

People like me? You’re assuming that because I’m a Patriots enthusiast that I voted for Trump? Laughable.

And, just to recap:

Lost in my mixed feelings about the win (because my team has been co-opted by a despot and Nazis, and the three most important people associated with the team refuse to disown a terrible man because he was nice to them) is that the Falcons final drive in OT - with the sack and the holding penalty - capped one of the

He had 3 amazing catches, but he was only targeted 4 times. The Patriots did a pretty good job of keeping him check considering he is the best in the game.

And with that, Julio Jones’ incredible performance is turned into the equivalent of a pat on the head and a ‘you did good, too!’, which sucks, because he was fucking incredible last night.


Every county in Massachusetts went for Clinton. Every New England state went to Clinton (except one electoral vote in Maine because of archaic voting laws).

I live just outside of Boston, and I grew up 45 minutes west of here. It’s not as liberal here as everyone thinks. Looking back, I wonder if the hat was a campaign piece directed at on the fence voters in New England.

That sounds about right. You end up with too much pasta salad, some store-brand chips that come in a big box, seven trays of brownies, and no condiments except ketchup and mustard. There are hot dogs for the kids, which the kids will not eat because the host decided to put them directly on the grill, where they will