
Actually, the blog also takes its name from a Bette Davis movie called Jezebel. The choice of the name Jezebel was to demonstrate the laughable hypocrisy in how women who were so-called "Jezebels" were historically vilified thanks in large part to a patriarchal culture obsessed with shaming women for owning their

I mean, I woke up at 7:30 too but then I did what any sane person would do: Went to the bathroom, took some ibuprofen, and went back to sleep until 1:30.

If two people who seemed to have literally been made for each other (by Vincent Price as The Inventor) and had perfectly subverted the issues of cohabitation can't make it, who among us can? I'll take this as proof that humans weren't meant to mate for life.

I'm so embarrassingly on the opposite end of the spectrum on egg nog. I love all of it. The expensive, well-made stuff they craft at the local highfalutin tavern, the cheap stuff in the carton, Baskin Robbins egg nog ice cream, even the McDonald's egg nog shake which is probably, as Dave Attell so eloquently put it,

Thank you. I spent a good ten seconds wondering what potatoes were doing there.

Never acquired a taste for eggnog, so I usually just go straight to the whiskey sitting besides the pot. I fucking love the smell of it, though.

"That guy dancing with Couric" was David Hallberg, American Ballet Theater and Bolshoi Ballet principal — and TCR guest. Also there: L'il Buck Riley. Clearly no one here knows dancers!

Thank you Rebecca for posting this so quickly, I was fairly desperate to share feelz with others. I am officially going to bed in tears after rewatching this. Happy tears? Sad tears? Something in between...Verklempt is the word that comes closest

Haha no I'm the same way. I didn't even notice George Lucas, all I saw was Alda at first.

Was that Ric Ocasek fro the Cars? And Eleanor Holmes Norton dancing away.

Did the woman provide written consent for the man to ejaculate in the first place?

I cringe-laughed

Oh my beloved Cary! *Master* of side eye and eye roll, fo sho. (Searching earnestly for a gif that will express this, most probably from "His Girl Friday".)

Now that I think about it, the Time Before Color was really the Golden Age for the Kings of Side-Eye...

None of this imported side eye for me. It's inferior to our domestic product - and nobody does it better than Michelle Obama.

some glorious side-eye from irish newsreader sharon ni bheoláin, presumably not a fan of modern dance

My sister lives in Kenya and can give me virtual side-eye just by the length of time it takes to respond to my WhatsApp message. I see the blue tick, I know she's read my message, she doesn't respond, I FEEL THE DISDAIN.

I'm sorry - I'm not trying to start some kind of inter-racial competition, but nobody can give side eye like bougie black ladies. As someone who started wearing natural hair before it became cool to do so, I can tell you this, without fear of denial.

I'm not giving it a thumbs up until I see tiny hamster watching tiny football on the couch with his tiny paw down his pants after the meal.