
I remember asking a somewhat nerdy friend in HS what he was listening to on his walkman and he got all flustered. He finally admitted he was listening to Hall and Oates. I was a big goth type, as the year was 1986, but I had to admit that I also loved Hall and Oates, because they are awesome. So is Weird Al. No

Wat? Dude, everybody got down to Salt-N-Pepa back in the day, they were the shit!

"Push it" was the first thing I ever encountered with sex positive female voices. Seriously. Hearing that song was a watershed moment for me.

Yeah. This is me in my car. And at the grocery store. And anywhere with oxygen. My 12 year old hates me. In other news, this video should have gone on for hours because every track on this tape (yes I said tape) was a hit.

If you haven't already discovered it:
Salt'n'Pepa radio is one of the most awesome Pandora stations ever.

If I could somehow have a video tape of my mom and dad jamming out to the tape deck while driving me to elementary school, I think I'd be able to do a musical retrospective of the whole late 80's to early 90's.

Agreed. This was a biology class, the students are teenagers not little kids, they were allowed to excuse themselves from the class, and the teacher raises animals for consumption so he probably knew what he was doing. Maybe the result was some students decided they didn't want to eat meat any longer, maybe some

I've worked with animals my whole career and this is what I tell people who are struggling with whether to put an animal to sleep: It's a gift to offer euthanasia to our pets when they are suffering or have a poor quality of life. Pets are not capable of understanding why they are in pain, or why they must undergo a

SUCH an oversight! Major-league, comparatively long-form full frontal from Julian Sands, Rupert Graves, and the husky-but-alluring Simon Callow. Definitely a formative experience.

where is A Room With A View? I love that movie so very much. I forced my husband to watch after he inflicted Anchorman in me, and he fell asleep only to wake up at the romping peen scene.

It's like a racial Victor Victoria.

May this become the rallying cry of all plebes* who still eat gluten: I SAVE BREAD!**

Celtic Studies nerd here... actually Hallowe'en has traditionally been a time of giving bread or treats to the less fortunate. In medieval Britain and Ireland, the poor would go souling, which is going house to house and offering songs or prayers for the dead of the household in exchange for food, or guising, where

Well I'm glad someone finally recognized Halloween for what it is, yet another socialist reuse concocted to trick hard working rich people in to helping the less fortunate. I've been onto that scam for years which is why instead of handing out candy I hand out pamphlets carefully explaining to the children that they

But it just bugs me, because we already pay more than enough taxes toward actual social services.

Or when your trying not to poo on the string and your doing that weird thing where your trying to hold it forward and not pee on it too.

YES. Stupid progesterone is what stimulates the uterine contractions that shed the lining and cause cramps.

Yeah, if I don't have a spare tampon in arm's reach I really have to just keep the tampon I already have. And I'm also really stingy and I WILL GET MY MONEY'S WORTH FROM MY TAMPONS, GODDAMNIT.

I definitely push mine back in when it pops halfway out. Half the time this happens when I'm somewhere other than my own bathroom, so changing the tampon would actually be a huge pain! Plus, it's a brand new tampon, the fuck if I'm gonna let my poop try to take it along for the ride. Now the question is, does anyone