
Bagels and fixins are still good. :)

Team Cat Headquarters here,

So, let me get this straight, Reddit.

OHMYGOD AMAZING. Need more period adverts like this.

...and — surprisingly — actually use the word "vagina."

How else are you supposed to know the blue fluid is locked in place?

Oooh, how can I find a way to use "her vagesty" in conversation today?

Exactly. Am I supposed to be upset when that she hired dancers of color? I was actually pleased to see the mix of races among all the scenes.

Idk I thought the video was cute. Black women, including myself, are understandably sensitive to how we're being represented in the media, and I myself felt a little awkward seeing the twerkers and Taylor Swift dressing like them at first, but after watching the video a few times, I came to the conclusion that Taylor

I agree. I think that this doesn't bother me because it was included as a part of dance styles in general - she recognized that hip-hop is a legitimate dance style and gave it no more disdain than any of the other ones. And if the point was that she doesn't fit in there, then is she really appropriating?

Oh, and this video has quite a few POC in it. Like I said earlier I'm a POC myself so I think I always notice when pop music videos are all/99% white (almost all the time unless the artist isn't white) and this one has much more racial inclusion in ALL the styles of dancing. I'm the first to admit I'm a biased TSwift

Thank you for this! I think this music video was terrible because it was cheesy and just after school-special-y, but I didn't get the 'appropriation' outrage either, which I knew Jez and some other sites would jump on ASAP. And I'm a POC as well, FWIW.

I want to know how awkward this conversation got when someone brought up that the hottest disney dude is actually Robin Hood.

Finally, a Disney Princess post I give a damn about.

I know this isn't super helpful, but ... Rabbity? It's richer than chicken, but much more tender than beef. Sometimes it can be a little gamey.

It's sort of like sweet and gamey. It has a strong sweet flavor but very lean... closer to say a lean piece of duck than chicken or pork or beef.

Rabbit is one of the most absolutely delicious meats out there, close behind lamb and goat. Chicken, which curiously is the top seller in the US, is just about the blandest most boring...not to mention that they are raised and slaughtered in the most horrific conditions compared to other farmed animals.

"There are reasons why white gun's rights activists can walk into a Chipotle restaurant with assault rifles and be seen as gauche nuisances while unarmed black men are killed for reaching for their wallets or cell phones, or carrying children's toys."

No, this is false. I have two kids, and I take full-time care of both of them. The kid will not forget about the pie. That is not how kids work. And punitively making the mother's day worse is not going to do a thing for the kid. Stop making stupid concern-troll excuses for sociopathic behavior.