"When you pray, you are not to be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and on the street corners so that they may be seen by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full. But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, close your door and pray to your Father who is in…
Hillary, this is wonderful.
My generation is to blame for Blake Lively but I'm not taking ANY responsibility for Goop! I think her audience is middle-aged yuppie ladies with extra spending money. A couple months ago, my sister and I showed my mom a list of insufferable Gwyneth quotes. My mom's funny and hates stupid, earnest, elitist people, so…
Maybe I'm an old,
Haha, great minds. I used to dye my hair red and I had this towel that was covered in basically what looked like old bloodstains and it doubled as a period-sex towel with my ex. It looks absolutely horrifying, like it was used to mop up a murder scene or something.
The women of the Supreme Court are really holding it down for Progressive Constitutional interpretation. More power to them. I met Sotomayor the other day; she is also awesome and brilliant.
Somehow this is reminding me of Helena Bonham Carter. In a good way. Everything Helena Bonham Carter is always in a good way.
Doing the good work. My wife and I found a stray kitten outside our home 3 years ago. We managed to trap him and get him to the vet. He was about 4 mos old, riddled with parasites, anemic (mosquito bites), dehydration, and had a hernia. Lots of vet bills later, we had a small black kitten. That someone was going to…
I love how kittens think somersaults are the ultimate fighting technique.
I used to love watching this show on our Vizio, while relaxing on the La-Z-Boy and eating Doritos (Cool Ranch flavor).
Yeah, that's right. I'm like the Carrie Bradshaw of middle America, bitches.
i agree with you about the eyes but i have had a deep abiding affection for Livingston since Office Space
Whoever made that video is such a Carrie.
yes but ron livingston was dreamy. And he owned a motorcycle!
This brings me SO much joy. The show was flawed, of course, but I still love it. (Notice I stopped at the show, because as far as I'm concerned, the movies do not exist.)
Berger was a tool. Even before the Post-It.
My dad, a single dad that raised three girls, used to French braid our hair for school every day. The ladies loved it lol. He now does my daughter's hair when she's over at his house :)
I don't think she's victim blaming as much as telling her daughter the cold, hard truth - that sometimes the only person you can count on to protect you is you, that you have to practice good judgement and develop a strong sense of self because, unfortunately, you can't always count on or trust the people around you.…
Yeah... I'm pretty sure my loud and clear (and repeated) no being ignored is the reason that my rape was, you know, a rape...