

Americans: you must embrace Boxing Day. Embrace it. Don't call it After Christmas bullshit. Boxing Day, Americans. Take it on and make it yours.

Should have scrolled down before posting the same vid. Feed the world!

As someone who knows a lot about the all-star cheer world, this article was crushing to read. You got soooooo many things wrong. I get that Jezebel is a goofy satire site, but this crosses into awful journalism. First of all: yes, these girls may also cheer for their high schools, but that is not at all why they're

Thanks! And yes, Burt!! <3

I worked for Lisa directly in the early 1990s while I was still in high school. My mom was her original bookkeeper, before Lisa hit it big. To this day, it was still one of the best jobs I ever had. I worked for her in a mostly personal capacity, functioning somewhat as a personal assistant. I have been in her

This was brilliantly written. Bets on how long until Tracie is headhunted from Jezebel? This was probably one of the best researched and articulated stories I've read on here and that's being said by someone who has been reading Jez since its beginnings.

No, pretty sure Doug was just saying that she's a greedy worm, like Smaug. The particulars coveyed the idea of Smaug, without saying "Smaug".

Well, shit. That metaphor was way more complex than I imagined, I guess. So basically this lady was hoarding her donations kind of like a dragon who has memories of a dwarf diaspora because prior to settling in the mountain where he is currently hoarding his gold — a mountain he came to inhabit by initiating a dwarven

The dragon had memories. Doug just wrote it so badly that it seemed like he was saying the mountain did.

I love football. I love heels. I love purses.

Yeah, I get that it was meant to be a Hobbit reference, but it still doesn't make any sense. What does it even mean for a mountain to be wreathed in memories? And if it is wreathed in memories, why would they be memories of a dwarf diaspora, since the diaspora thing happened (by definition) after the dwarves left the

Yeah, the metaphors are so nonsensical they're almost beautiful. How could a mountain be wreathed in memories of a dwarf diaspora? How does an explosion richochet back towards someone?

Yup, used to be completely hysterical over Duran Duran. I'm willing to bet that if I met John Taylor today I'd hyperventilate, jump up and down, and start crying. I can't explain it other than I just totally gave myself over to loving him. It was great, I kind of envy the 1D fangirls these days because I remember

For fuck's sake. Will someone teach Doug how to write?

My whole life I have compared men and their swoon worthiness to Christopher Plummer when he dances the ländler in the Sound of Music. Everyone fails.

Tim Curry as Maria?? I'd pay lots of money to see that.

SERIOUS QUESTION: Why Carrie Underwood?

Christopher Plummer is judging the shit out of this right now.

I think a lot of people here, from many comments that I have read, seem to feel that it's not our place to throw judgement and accusations at other people when we don't know them or their life story and situation. You come off (at least initially) as feeling that there is never any excuse and that all people who are