
No yeah, I like Josh Hutcherson. I think he's good for the role. I just can't with the hair haha.

I guess it's like how Nikki Reed has blonde hair in the Twilight movies and it doesn't look flattering on her at all. She's so pretty. But why not just find an actor who either has light hair or looks good with light hair, ya know?

Fakey. Like it's obvious that he is not meant to ever have light hair based on his complexion.

Looks like shit as in ugly, or as in fakey? Peeta's not supposed to be that handsome. In fact he should be played by someone a little plainer and lumpier (if ya know, that kind of thing were allowed in Hollywood).

Couldn't they find a blonde actor to play Peeta? I like Josh Hutcherson but he looks like shit with blonde hair.

I was raised a bunch of Christian denominations, including Catholic (fickle parents) and I have some ideas about this (that go a little further than hypocrisy). First of all, you are born and baptized into the Catholic church - it is institutional, part of your heritage. You can still be Catholic and do all those

Just saw this shared on GT, here's my two cents as a Christian, but not a Catholic (I am married to one though). Sorry about the length in advance!

Not all priests devote homilies to ranting against contraception. There is a spectrum of beliefs, even within the Church hierarchy.

The Catholic Church makes a lot of noise about contraception but the vast majority or Catholics use it and don't think that it's morally wrong. Most of those girls probably had mothers who were on the pill. Contraception is a battle that the Church lost a long time ago. The hierarchy's denial is impressive.

I think it's called being sensible?

I met Senator Wendy Davis today! I was at the grocery store getting my birthday cake and I saw her. Then I walked up to her and told her thank you and good luck. I almost cried. Why, I don't know. Her husband was very sweet too. Total fan girl moment.

This looks amazing! I know that turkey is the traditional meat but I'm partial to ham on Thanksgiving :)

We are on desserts now! Here are my three pies (lemon meringue, pumpkin, and Dutch apple) with a little bit of my mom's chocolate cream pie in the corner. (She brags about this pie, but I can tell that it is Jello pudding!)

Team Zissou is coming for you, racists.

You definitely see it in New York, too, especially people helping other people with strollers up and down the subway stairs. (Surprising truth: we really are pretty friendly and helpful!) The thing with doors is, I think, a lot of the time if you've never tried it yourself, you don't realize how tricky it can be!


I've lived in complete destitution and I've lived comfortably middle class, and in my experience it is beyond difficult to eat healthy and maintain a healthy weight when you are poor. I'm overweight right now, and I have been since I had my kids. We're also pretty damned poor at the moment.

Yes, there's the cheap

I don't know if you watch Bill Maher, but they were talking about that on the show last week. How in many (poor) neighbourhoods a cheeseburger is all you can get - there are no other options, or stores nearby. It is absolutely mind boggling.

Beautiful kitties, you guys, and glad to see some feline love up in here. I lost one beloved cat when she was 18—I got her when I was 11 and she died right before I turned 30, shortly before I married the guy she chose for me (true story). I only had my other beloved cat for 12 years, but his sister is still around

She's down to about 6 lbs from her characteristic 8, so yeah, she's skinny and frail. Sometimes when I am overcome with love I pet her too hard and she kinda falls over a little. I just can't help myself. Your Zerlina is a precious!