
Old lady cats rule! This is her Royal Highness Zoe. (Another grande dame with a Z name). 20 years old with hyperthyroidism and hypertension. She still hops up on the radiator to get to the warmz and wakes me every morning for her sip of milk. She has outlived her brother and sister and is living out her golden years

As my old guy was struggling with health issues I always promised him that we'd know it was time for a final trip to the vet when his tail stopped wagging. He was always so happy to see me when I came home, even if I'd been away only 15 minutes. He'd been having a very tough time and we'd been having nearly daily

Oh yes, the only one. He is still magnificent.

You get out of Target for $50? Target is the $100 store. Every fucking time unless I'm just getting one thing or it's my 3nd trip in a week.

You're absolutely right. These women are fat. But you know what? They're also people with feelings. And sometimes fat women want to feel pretty too. And that might mean they want to wear something that makes them feel sexy. That's hard enough when you're being told how disgusting you are on a constant basis because

you kind of DO know they're unhealthy though. this argument gets thrown around all the time - that fat doesn't equal unhealthy. as someone in the medical field, i can tell you that in most cases (not every one, clearly), fat equals unhealthy. obesity is a risk factor for basically every disease except osteoporosis.

It's sad that most Americans are unhealthy and dying of obesity-related issues such as heart failure/diabetes. And I am sick to death of Jezebel commentators saying "how do you know they aren't healthy?" or "I'm not healthy but I don't mind."

You have to be kidding me. In the Renaissance the reason that the RARE, RICH woman who was overweight was considered "sexy" was that she was prized because she had LESS OF A CHANCE OF DYING. Because so many people died when they were malnourished, the rich tried to fatten up their women so that they could feel

honestly I don't want to have a discussion about this. I'm fat. I'm an American. I did not say this should not exist. I simply wanted to let a single comment on the crazy-Jezebel-comments section to speak what I know most people are thinking but are afraid to say here in crazy-Jezebel-comment-land. Which is that

While I enjoy an orgasm as much as the next girl, sometimes I don't have time for that shit. Look, I have kids. I'm busy. If I don't take the next 10 minutes to tumble around while they're outside yelling at each while shoveling the walks, I won't get another free moment for the next month.

I want him dressed in an orange jumpsuit, in a cell.

He's right though. In the words of Tom Brady, that was fucking holding at least.

God, the Autobiography of Agent Dale Cooper was one of my favorite books as a kid (after The House With the Clock in its Walls, of course). I particularly love the episode where he tried to see how long he could stay awake and (if memory serves) woke to find a watermelon impaled on a bedpost.

Honestly, I blame myself for this. I like to think I, personally, am responsible for why Channing Tatum was Sexiest Man Alive last year, because I have been advocating for him for the last four years. So I thought I my powers could do the same for Anthony Mackie.

May I suggest my personal favorite hot actor, Ray Stevenson:

I love that you went with Aragorn. Viggo Mortensen in everything else=meh. (Sexiness-wise only, of course. He's a great actor.) But as Aragorn? Perfect.

I'm not American and I've never even been there, so you can shove that theory right back up wherever you pulled it out from. I worked as a nanny for years, and it's hard to get kids to eat anything they're not used to. I've always tried to get the kids I look after to eat healthy food. And I'm well aware that people

Yes, and that works for your kids. That's great. But this assumption you have that anyone whose children are not as compliant as yours when it comes to eating just isn't as good of a parent as you are is... kind of disturbing, frankly, and incredibly smug.