
Yeah it's changing, there are men of all ages and sizes next to conventionally beautiful, thin young women.

Whenever anyone, anywhere says "homey" my brain goes here:

Yes! Dear God, yes! I am Italian American, I grew up with two Italian American parents, and I married a guy who, while not from Italy, is from a country very close by... and No. Just... No. No no no. She's not in an "Italian" marriage, she's in whatcha call a "bad" marriage; one which she should leave immediately.

Yeah, I think she's not far off with the passionate and maintenance sex needed for a long-term relationship. HOWEVER, it should be "let's agree to have sex even though we're kind of tired, because it's a way to show our love for each other." It should not be "I'll have sex when I don't want to, because if I give in to

I agree with her (can't believe I'm typing that) that more regular sex does usually tend to make both me and my partner more agreeable and apt to get along- it's science or love hormones or cooties or something- but the fact that she just grins and bears it even when she really doesn't want to, just to keep him from

My ethnicity is 100% italian. All of my grandparents came over from Italy. And I can tell you right now that is NOT love "italian style". The women and men in my family would never say any of these things nor would they condone this. Even my oddly racist aunt and uncle would think this is ridiculous. He's never

I can't even even so instead here's a story that "puttana" made me remember. When I studied abroad in Italy the street harassment was just something we were meant to put up with. Well, one night, after a little too much limoncello, as we were tripping over cobblestones on our way back home we were shouted at from a

This reads like a guidebook for how to live under the oppression of an abusive spouse. It's sad, and one hopes that she'll find a way out before writing the next book.

I'm all for submission/domination...and just about anything else, really, when it comes to sex. But as someone who has been forced into sex by a partner, this type of thinking makes me really uncomfortable. It can be a fine line, I'm still uncomfortable even calling it the r-word because it happened with a certain

Actually, it fits with the article:

What, no Shillelagh?

My daughter's name is Emma, but in my defense, she's 28. We named her Emma when it was virtually an Emmaless world. Now, they've taken over.

I named my daughter Emma in 1985 when it was still considered an 'old lady name'. She has almost no contemporaries with that name (plenty of Emilys, but no Emmas unless they are British).

I am on Team Bidet. My dad had one put in the master bathroom when he remodeled our house, so growing up his bathroom was my unofficial "pooping bathroom". Peeing could happen anywhere.

i just... guys... just wipe your butt. i get it. sometimes it takes two or EVEN THREE swipes. but it doesn't clog the beautiful piping of the sewer system and it surely does not support a $60 billion-a-year made-up problem.


I want Luther the Anger translator back. I liked him.

This comment makes me want to laugh and cry lol

This cat is the reason people turn to us and say, "What? Why would you need a master's degree to be a librarian?" Well, the cat and a fundamental ignorance of the principles information management.

Goddammit, he had to be Iranian. And from SoCal.