
I call the dramatic haircut "pulling a Mulan."

Soaking the basil does diminish flavor a wee bit, but it beats all hell out of washing and inspecting each leaf one by one, which otherwise you have to do if it's coming straight from the ground.

Kittens discovering everything for the first time always make my day :)

Does anybody else start babytalking the cute subjects of these videos as they watch? Out loud?

He is one of the few people who can still look badass while in a Target cafeteria. I'm guessing Helen Mirren could pull it off too, but can't think of anyone else ATM.

The Bey/Quvenzhane pic is too much.

Lenny Kravitz is sex on a STICK.

the incident was simply an argument that had gotten out of hand and the charges "are entirely unjustified and blown out of proportion."

Now playing

Mr. Laurie is so droll; he's always out of humour:

You know, while everyone else condemns her, i think we need more women like her, for one specific reason: We've got a lot of crappy politicians to corrupt. Not sure how we could swing it to nail a few republicans but they've got to have a weakness besides screwing womens rights over left and right.

I agree with her that Maureen Dowd knows nothing about feminism. That's about where it ends, with me.

I honestly don't know whether to laugh, cry, or puke.

"Still, Leathers' actions are hurtful to people who did nothing wrong — like Weiner's wife and son — and therefore, if you believe that hurting people is wrong, flaunting those actions and causing collateral emotional damage in the process is immoral. Just because Anthony Weiner is a bigger jerk doesn't mean that

That's weird. I'm 46 (.5) and when I was younger my body just worked by itself. I'm naturally thin so I didn't think much about exercise and I wasn't ever good at sports anyway, although I've always been a healthy eater. Within the past few years I've dramatically increased my exercise routine — 2-4 miles a day, brisk

Actually getting older has not bothered me as much as I thought it would (now 40). However, when I see a hot young man in his mid 20's I do wish I were younger (and probably not married, that might get in the way). Then I remember how bad 20 something men are in bed.

As someone who has been exoticized, sexualized and othered by males by the function that I was 'non-white' female, this video was awesome! In my anger-fantasies as a teenager, I wanted to be the one around who they were supposed to prance around, all dressed prettily and in a way that pleases me. After having a

It translates really well into their teen and adult years, in my experience. You just turn the phrase on them, rather than yourself.

and, if you want the best thing on the planet in the worst package, soft shell blue crab. Eat, be happy. Don't think too much about it.