
One of my friends will be there. If you see a tall redhead calling herself London, tell her I said you could get a discount rate. She's schizophrenic and will be coked out of her mind, so her reaction will be very entertaining.

This is a bidniss jet, not a personal jet, so total opulence isn't practical. These things cost enough to begin with, so if you were to outfit one to sheik-levels of gaudiness and Donald Trump gold-platedness, the shareholders might get pissed. It is more about comfort and efficiency. The fact that this thing has a

Gound speed doesn't really matter with strong headwinds. If the wind is strong enough, technically a plane could become airborne without moving forward.

I'm suddenly 8 again and have a burning desire to be a fighter pilot.

Ray's wisdom is more clear now that ever before.

Mother Nature states that these winds are not hers. She has no winds currently blowing in Russia. These must be local Russian winds protesting against the Russian people.

This would be me.

Still, with a name like the Boeing Black Phone, it's bound to be awesome.

Yepp, but #9 is of massively increased importance as your Co-pilot really needs to keep you awake.

And by enormous you mean clickbait?

Back when San Jose had 7-digit dialing, one of my cell phone numbers was the same as Gateway's if you left off the 1 before the area code 888. I did not know this, as I didn't use that phone, but when I leant the phone to a friend at Apple, he kept getting calls for Gateway. They would ask "is this Gateway?" and Alex

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sometimes you have no choice but to yolo it out

I don't think Merc manual is an option as they don't know how to make strong enough manuals anymore..

Are you still leaving the cat and muffler on? Or, is this straight pipes out the back?

I was lucky to be on that team for parts of three seasons. Maverick Mayhem was more fun than any of us ever dreamed. Bing Russell was an irascible, brilliant owner with a genuine Big League heart. Thanks for spreading the word. "The Battered Bastards of Baseball" is the real deal. - Rob Nelson

Someone should have told him that you only need a small bag of rice to dry out your phone if you get water on it...not 140 tons of grain.

Call me crazy or old-fashioned, but this is the movie truck that I would much rather ride in.....

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That was fantastic. If you can't get enough Danger Zone, check this out (hooray for modders):

I believe the word they were looking for was "anywhoozle" common mistake, good catch Doug!