El Guapo de_NJMIA

you can use cash. Or use a gift card, up load it to the app.

I’ve been trying to come up with an even simpler way to explain this and I refuse to waste any more time as I’m not sure if your actually this dumb or just trolling at this point. So I’m done, but being sure that you are one of those people that need to get the last word in I’m sure I’ll hear from you again. But I

are you really that stupid? The whole point of the article is people are getting their credit card info stolen from weak password for tying their credit cards to the app. As I said in option #2 (go back and read it) that is a way you can reload the app without having to tie a CC to it. Like you said a digital card

thats also an option for those who have an apple product with NFC. Another option is google wallet.

lol actually just recently. I did switch over to android.

Thats true anyone with those ridiculous passwords are almost just inviting trouble.

I agree 100% life was so much simpler and stress free. People need to learn how to disconnect a bit.

before you start running at the mouth maybe you should know what your talking about and learn to read. 1)The rewards program has nothing to do with your form of payment its determined on you using the actual app. I know. 2)Plus the point of the post is the security concern of keeping your credit card on an un-secure

Rdio SelectAn enhanced mobile plan, combining stations and on-demand.

yeah, same reason they had so many people to unload it and escort it. in case someone fucks up and drops it they know who to blame and FIRE!!!

I think one of the key features here is the fact that it uses both Tmo and Sprint for better coverage. Another attractive incentive is you get credited for the data you don’t use.

I have to say I’m not a big Windows fan but lately they have been stepping up their game.

1979 should be pissed for being 1979. It knew what it was doing when it bought that shirt.

I’m sure it would have been more interesting if it wasn’t from 1979 and opened in 2014.


If you have to ask your too young. lacking.

If the employer was smart he would have used a certain up state wireless carrier. They do it to everyone, and if its a company phone they would give the info to him. No special software for tracking needed.

depends. 5.1, Themer doesn’t work. app store wont let you download it. you’ll need to side load. had to do it on both my N6 and N7