
It's hard to watch streaming video on an iPad?

There is no hurt in the thought. The man who provided his embryo with genetic material was no more a part of Jobs' life than, say, his second cousin's neighbor's garbage man. To think that sperm alone makes someone worthy of reconciliation, for no real reason, is just silly. I see no honor in reconciliation, or

Fair enough, poor choice of words on my part.

Really. I mean, every abandoned child should embrace and try to make good with the father who had better things to do than be a father. I mean, the feel good movies all make it seem like it should happen that way, must be that way in real life too.

The screen and graphics card are required for the DIY method as well.

ViDocks are only a couple hundred dollars. Hardly need to be "loaded" for that.

He did say "look like"

His own terms involve his family's input. That's pretty reasonable.

Along with making decisions about how they want to live their lives, people are also allowed to change their mind. Especially at the pressuring of respected loved ones.

No, his choice allowed him to live and die on his own terms. It wasn't ignorance. That's a very selfish view to thrust upon others.

Calling a decision as personal as this "stupid" or "a mistake" is kind of insulting to the man and to the idea that one is capable of deciding their own way to live, or die, isn't it?

Belle of the ball? I think it went from being the ugly stepsister to the significantly less ugly, but still not beautiful stepsister.

Focus on the miniscule gripes against round corners and black bezels all you want, the real meat of Samsung's copying goes far deeper than that. But if you want to focus on the little things to make you feel better, good for you. This, and nearly every other phone and tablet not made by Samsung, easily proves that you

I know it happens both ways, it just seems, to me, that the android fans make a bigger stink of it. I really don't see as many Apple fans boo hooing over Android adding "drag to create folder" functionality as I do Android fans boo hooing over Notification Center

But, what about all of those "there are only so many ways to make a phone/tablet/package/icon/etc" excuses that Samsung defenders have been screaming? You mean there are more ways to create things? Crazy!

Wait...really? Do you really believe that?

This multitasking issue is nonexistent. Only the geekiest of tech geeks even know that there is a difference in how multitasking is handled (unless you're only talking about task switching, in which case, you really should use the right terms). If the app returns to the exact state it was in when you left it, or

That's kind of what I was getting at. Fandroids are quick to rush to say that iOS just copies Android and never does anything new, and here we have a couple very iOS things, that two commenters here are already dismissing as decidedly not iOS. Which quickly goes to support my comment.

Sweet, no need to figure out codes anymore, just take a picture of the person who's phone you want to get into.

Design has always been one of Android's hugest weaknesses. There are still the appearances of 3 or 4 design teams working without talking to eachother to create this OS. It's been one of my gripes against Android since the beginning. While it's looking better, and more polished with each iteration, it's still an OS