
lightning strike!

good call, but sheeeeiiiit… found and copped within about 3 mins of googling. I am quite good at internetting, yes (mainly cos I'm old).. at any rate, thanks for the reminder. :thumbsup:

a job in Belize, perhaps….

Kevin's asking what Nora was smuggling felt like a good bit of foreshadowing at the time…. as in, itching for an irrational fight, until it was revealed she had the $20 grand strapped to her body. In hindsight it points to other issues, though.

Ha, same, kinda. My neighbor across the street had an Intellivision, I thought it was super cool, and wanted. We got a Radio Shack knock-off good for Pong, and maybe not much else. A few years later a friend up the street got a Colecovision, and I was enamored. I'd wished he got the Adam…

No mention of the Colecovision Adam??? for shame… it seemingly had it all!

That sandwich recipe was undoubtedly taken from his microwave cookbook.. only the best!

to reach this level of pun excellence, I do aspyre..

yea.. during Hurricane Sandy, apparently some folks were befuddled as to how to use them.

I faithfully await the return of the Frozen Donkey Wheel.

…sometimes referred to as a 'smart dumb n-word' in certain circles. fwiw.

When he peels off in his whip, however, it's on some Quasimomos.

I think I heard something once about a little man, and a boat..?.. maybe he's talking about protecting that guy!

What if it had had Bender Rodriguez?

He lives in every NYC yellow cab's meter….


eww.. wow. well-played. had to look cloaca up…
adding a rhyme with Binaca would have earned you +5 internets, though…

shitbirds of a feather….

we're just …very mature. hey, if he's using a joystick, at least he's probably using a disk- instead of a tape drive..?.. /moment of old-gear geek

Agreed. I am also always thrilled to see the Commodore 64 get a little shine. All we need now is, like, an Okidata dot matrix printer..