
After the credits.

Don't be! He's a Mexican tortilla, his guru, the Original Tortilla, is apparently Japanese… And his friends are all urban youth, just look at those rap hands… It's really Multi-Culti!

No, he's the M-E-T-H-O-D—MAN!

I got E. Cheese in the Death Pool…

When he was picking up the bricks, she was pleading with him… SHE knew violence was going to happen too, and I felt so sad and afraid for her. Great television, and outstanding performances by all involved there.

YOUR eyes are sweating!

Yep… Roc is supposed to have an album on deck called Rosebud's Revenge… Follow up to Reloaded, I think. And the two of em were long ago supposed to have a joint project called Metal Clergy… Guess that just never came to fruition.

Like so much Ka, Honor Killed.. is such a sleeper, and is a great, great album… thanks for the reminder, I need to cue that one up again for a few listens. Have to listen to this one now…

SHATN-er…!? I mean, we got pretty freaky but I didn't Shatn-er..

Yeah, smh@myself, see above (or is that below..?) - I forgot about Noctourniquet. I now feel like I should revisit that one - see how its aged, see if I'm still so lukewarm about it myself… so thanks for the reminder!

*slaps forehead*
oh shit you're right!
I think I (mostly) forgot about Noctourniquet.. perhaps I can't be blamed for that. :D

I can dig your POV but The Bedlam in Goliath was my gateway record into TMV and modern prog rock in general… so it's special to me. In general, I think it is a motherfucker of a rock record.

yeah, and he was doing it all slow-like.. what a ham.

WHEEEE-see-Anna Fast!
1-800 Emmm-Ay! Tee-Tee-Arr-EEE-Ess…
800 588—-2-3-hundred… Empiiire!!
1-eight-seven seven Kars for Kiiids…

*raises first*

Coco Crisps aren't all that Special, K? I like how an A's employee had the free time to Chex those guys, just for Total Kix..

Why does this have a headphone jack? Where's Apple's 'Courage' now? If you use the iPhone 7's Lightning headphones as your daily drivers, what do you do? Dongle? Different cans for your new MBP? Seems unnecessarily complicated and messy.

I have a 15" XPS, and while it IS pricey, I love the thing. In hindsight I'd have ditched the (gorj) UHD display or w/e for more battery life, but no disappointments, you should check them out Frossbyte.

The Rock will regret this Now And Later, but really this all could have been solved with a little Mary Jane, no? Regardless, they'll be OK, biggest movie franchise in history, BarNone!… (I loved those BarNones! Those and Choc-O-Diles, oh man…)

Is that what he says? Guess I need to watch again…