
So like they all look cool but I preferred the MK 9-10 model of “4 mortal kombat characters and one guest character” per DLC round. It seems kind of annoying to dedicated MK fans to go so far off the rails when people were really hoping for some of their favorites.

The idea of “annoying” people bothers me. I left FF XIV before this was a thing but I remember being gifted a harp in Guild Wars 2 while telling jokes for world boss audiences and I ended up sitting in town [in a corner where nobody could hear me at first] learning how to play the damn thing. The next 3 weeks I spent

Ah man - When that happened I was just getting into investing. I told EVERYONE that they needed to put money into Netflix as it was tanking. I honestly didn’t think it would ever be as strong as it was before the tanking but I knew it was going to bank back up to $120/share [it hit like $40]. . .I was way too scared

So like - I think it’s unfair to call it a “not good game” as opposed to “The game just doesn’t appeal to me.” BoW did A LOT of things right, and a few things wrong. . .And it’s totally cool to not be into it.

Oh yea - I mean my point wasn’t really to dispute you on Chicago but more that there are so many breweries doing good things that I just don’t think big beer can scare us. We lose a few good ones, sure, but there are just too many popping up for them to deal with.

I agree however I don’t think we have too much to worry about. I mean you say Chicago is one of the largest beer hubs and I have no facts or reason to dispute you but I feel like just about anywhere I want to travel in the United States I find myself “Oh I hear they have a really cool craft brews scene.” There are

Oh no i totally get it. I just after seeing OPs post wanted to stress that not everyone who flips out over Epic is an irrational piece of shit. I know they’re out there. And it’s awful. And yea we should be talking about it and bringing it to light. But not liking Epic’s storefront shouldn’t be synonymous with being

Here’s the thing - I’m not going to give a developer death threats for deciding to be exclusive to a store. That is way beyond what is rational in terms of expressing disappointment. I don’t even have skin in this game for this particular game, either.

So as a guy watching the show I have a genuine question here as I first got hooked on this shitshow during Nick’s season. I asked my fiancee and she didn’t know the answer - I tried doing some googling but couldn’t seem to find an answer.

Gunna be honest with you - As a guy it’s one of my favorite nights of the week to watch The Bachelor/Bachelorette. I got into it when I walked by my fiancee watching a girl in a “dolphin” costume jump in a pool and just sat down and kept watching.

I imagine people who don’t want to spend the extra $100 for a Switch, want to use it mainly for their commutes [in cities so public transportation] and who would prefer a smaller model for those travels?

You made a very very specific mention of a single game incident and being upset with the ending - Which is odd because in this situation we are specifically talking about a Pokemon game that hasn’t come out yet but already has information out that is making people angry.

Give me a Mega Man Maker of the same caliber of Mario Maker and on the Switch and I’ll make levels for days.

One of your points for the problematic “metroidvania” is it’s clunky and 5 syllables. So you want to replace it with a 6 syllable word? But not just any 6 syllable word you want to replace it with something so vague that it could describe a 2D Star Trek ship exploration game.

This is a bullshit statement. Consumers vote with their wallets. If they’re unhappy they don’t make a purchase. Gamers want particular things in order to feel like they’ve justified spending their money. This is literally no different than any other purchase.

I’m not going to sit here and say every situation is the same. I will however say that legally if you do not protect your trademarks there is precedent for losing them.

The disappointing thing about this article is that the Title makes us think this is Nintendo’s fault. . . .Yet the content tells us that lawyers have to do this.. . But than we’re right back to blaming Nintendo and it’s lawyers.

The option to do this isn’t obvious? Anything important is denoted with a red circle in the upper right corner of that option. The settings option has the red circle with this specific option pretty much highlighted.

I honestly thought this rule was just “etiquette”. I don’t live in Japan, I’ve never heard of this as a Japanese thing. I live in the bustling hustle of New York and have always been aware of this “rule.” It’s definitely a big more loosely followed around these parts but even people who don’t follow it strictly are

I think there is a difference between “always online” requirement for a game and a seperate 3D party service offering games to people who do not have the hardware to play them otherwise which happens to also be “always online”. I do not support “always online”. . .But I do think being able to pay to stream games I