
How someone can find Legends to be the best Mega Man title is beyond me - Yes it was a good fun game, but when every single boss battle could be solved with “circle strife and shoot lemons with no regard for whats going on around you” the game gets a little “meh”. . .Even at 10 when I figured that out on my first play

The graphics look like this was made in the Drakan map editor, which were great graphics. . in 2000.

The term soccer came from Association Football, yes, as slang in Britain nearly 200 years ago. Up until the 1970s the term was used in Britain and a lot of the word instead of Football. Mistakenly at some point in this time the word soccer was attributed to America and the people of Britain started to call it just

While true the name soccer came about before the name football, in Britain of all places.

Eh first collection disappointed me too, but I did buy it - On my shelf right now is a legacy collection and an X collection from old systems. Was hoping for something interesting or new to go along with it. When it comes to Mega Man it’s like Capcom doesn’t even try anymore which really disappoints me because I do

Huge Mega Man fan, once I saw this post I had to click and see what’s up. . .Not buying it, sorely disappointed here - Yes, 7-8 were good games but honestly most of us probably already have 9-10 readily available, hell I rebought the recently for the newer console so I could play them more easily. . .Not going to buy

I honestly dont get the appeal of this fight or really why there is any controversy. Despite both being “bad guys” and arguably shitty people they are both titans of their respective sports - But unless something ridiculous happens Mayweather is going to win, why?. . Not because he’s a better athlete but because he’s

Testing pricing is fine - But offer the same pricepoint to everyone. Release a car at each pricepoint and see which ones perform better and if it makes sense to get less sales at a higher price - In the age of the internet they should have known people would find out very quickly what was going on.

Take note; If a game like this ever came to the Switch I would jump on it in a heartbeat, buy whatever insane $120 collectors edition I needed to preorder - Doesn’t matter. . .It would be all mine.

I got 20% off with Prime just by preordering it like a week before it came out, so no worries!

I got 20% off with Prime just by preordering it like a week before it came out, so no worries!

The new age of Puzzle Pirates.

That’s not how tax deductible works. . . If I gain $10,000 i will be taxed at a rate [depending on prior gains] that is NOT 100% on that 10,000. If I lose that $10,000 I will lose the entire $10,000. . .If I deduct $10,000 on my taxes as loses it just means that $10,000 worth of my income previously wont be taxed. .

I found 4-6 to be a breeze personally. I have a hard time gauging 2 because growing up I only had 2 and 3. . .So I played the shit out of both and knew the games inside and out.

MK versus DC - The precursor to Injustice came out in 2008. While DC movies have been coming out for a long time with Superman and Batman this was a time before any huge DCU push was made. . . Hell it was before any of the DCU tv shows as well. Regardless of your stance on the game it sold reasonably well and had

I imagine you’d be surprised to learn about these new fangled things called comic books.

Was thinking the same thing - Used to play these on the NES as a kid and when the original anniversary collection came out I ran through each game without much effort in 1-2 hours each. . .1 was the most unforgiving of all of the classic Mega Man games, though 3 was a touch harder than 2, except for that damn dragon.

I honestly never thought I’d take the Switch off the dock and I do it more often than I expected - To be clear, not necessarily to take it out of the house [I don’t] but when I come home from work and my girlfriend is watching her shows on the couch its nice that I can take the Switch off of the dock and play while

In the world of coaching $15/hr is insanely cheap. We live in a world of Esports, I’m sure there are people who only take these gigs because they are female but remember that one of the women pointed out that her boyfriend [who was in the same line of work] was the one who turned her onto this type of service.

This is why I rarely play mobile games - On my phone right now there are 0. On my girlfriend’s Ipad there are currently two that I play and neither game has yet to make me feel like I need to buy anything to succeed.

Honestly with PoE out, not really. Sure it was an amazing game but Path of Exile takes Diablo II, turns it up to 11 and than throws a bunch more shit at you for fun too. I guess if Diablo II were remastered you’d have people flock to it for a little while but I think PoE would really keep its throne.