
While true you also have to keep in mind if they “rebooted” the franchise in 2017 we wouldn’t be seeing a true to life 2003 version of the game but a more up to date game with 2017 graphics and 2017 mechanics and 2017 blah blah blah - It would be one thing if it was reported to be a strict “remastering” in which case

I agree in a sense, I bought it for the ps4 at release and gave it up not soon after - Unfortunatly I bought it digitally so I couldn’t even try to get some money back.

Eh, FFXI came out 1 1/2 years before WoW and was a popular game - WoW absolutely changed the genre but FFXI was doing just fine in that space. I imagine FFXIV would have come along either way

To be fair, usually Nintendo consoles don’t start with a first party console selling game.

I’ve been enjoying the game a lot over the last few days so find it a bit stranger that your first tip is don’t buy microtransactions followed by almost all of the next tips focusing on microtransactions.

Maybe there is not competition because it’s not a feasible route for the type of game where you’re not even going to see the cosmetics on your character.

Ocarina of Time is a great game and I remember playing it dozens of times over and over - I still love the game and if I had direct access I may even still play it - however, I watched Egoraptor’s Sequalist breakdown of Ocarina of Time and how [even though he also loves the game] it’s pretty poorly designed and I find

I don’t mind collectibles in game when they have a point to them, this seems nice - I remember playing Assassin’s Creed games and finding that I would spend countless hours in new areas just collecting pointless collectibles because the completionist in me wanted to see a 100%, but most of them offered no real value

I played the n64 pretty religiously and had never heard of it - Remember this was in a time before the internet was a huge thing and not everybody read Nintendo Power.

Not really big into watching youtube videos but is it a case of making something more entertaining?. . .Or a case of a bigger fish having a wider audience/net to profit from?

This nerf blasters are actually pretty cool - a few weeks ago 3 friends and I saw them in Target and we made a split second decision to purchase them. Ended up going to Lowes to get cheap masks and converted his basement into a lights off warzone. 2v2 Gears of War style it was a nice way to waste an afternoon while

This nerf blasters are actually pretty cool - a few weeks ago 3 friends and I saw them in Target and we made a split

I think they’re different beasts considering the DS was the next evolution of the Gameboy. That type of statement is like releasing the n64 and saying “no there will still be a market for the super nintendo” - I mean yea, for a little while but of course it’s going to go away at some point.

But Nintendo has already announced that the 3DS isn’t going anywhere. . .

As a 29 year old user I can honestly say I need more games that don’t show me large amounts of cutscenes and let me jump right into a game - Maybe I’m in the minority but when I sit down to play a game with the limited time that I have. . .I’d like to actually play and don’t need a 10 minute visual novel followed by a

The switch is pretty cool but I’m imagining their market research has determined that Japanese users are more inclined to take the switch out of the house for commuting - Remember, public transportation is more of a thing in Japan moreso than it is in the grand scheme of the United States, outside of major city hubs.

Only game I would have been ok with using numbers in the name “Spla2oon”

More appropriately Valve is making 2 VR games and will get people to forget about HL3 by ignoring the third expected game.

Go back to old articles about the 10 year plan quote and than read new ones - Most of the new ones are “oops let me clarify what we meant when we said 10 year plan, because clearly we worded it to deceive you.”

You’re right but considering Destiny was supposed to have a 10 year life cycle as burn Bungie a lot of people were caught offguard and really assuming Destiny 2 was more of an expansion of the mythos into a full new game using the same characters. . .continuing the cycle.

E.V.O Search for Eden is still one of my favorite games, I’ll have to check this out - Sidenote, is there anything remotely similar in the years following its release? Spore was supposed to be my saving grace game when it came out. . but we all know how that turned out.