This bitch had the nerve to name her daughter Arabella, the name Jackie Kennedy chose for her stillborn daughter. She may dream of Camelot 2.0, but it wont work if they can actually pin something on her shitty perv dad.
This bitch had the nerve to name her daughter Arabella, the name Jackie Kennedy chose for her stillborn daughter. She may dream of Camelot 2.0, but it wont work if they can actually pin something on her shitty perv dad.
The Germans have always had a way with words.
It’s amazing how proud these morons are of their utter stupidity. They think they’re mocking liberals when in reality they are just proving our point.
It’s almost like people who hate women and muslims don’t understand either.
A fitting metaphor since the prodigal son was a dumbass who coasted through life on his Dad’s money.
It’s just a pile of buzzwords on the edge of a grammatical cliff.
I diversify my own information bias
Hey! Come on now! She worked very hard to enbiggen her vocabulary with such cromulent words!
I casually knew Ivanka Trump for several years. Her target audience is almost exclusively other people who were born on third base and think they hit a triple.
TED Talks and podcasts are another way of how I diversify my own information bias
I am an actual, factual, licensed architect.
Are those quotes from the book? Because “editor and chief” and “another way of how I” tell me that her editor FUCKING HATES HER.
So basically, the book is a bunch of clichés that really don’t say anything couched in feminist-ish sounding language that is horribly myopic and blind to the fact that 99.999999999% of us working women didn’t have Anna fucking Wintour call us up at graduation offering us jobs because you know, our fathers weren’t…
She advises women to be authentic in the workplace while refraining from oversharing, to negotiate salaries, and to use periods of unemployment to reflect on their goals. (She also recommends that you hire three recruiters to secure a new position.)
Who is this woman’s audience? It certainly can’t be women who voted for her dipshit father, nor can it be women who didn’t. She’s a 15 year old mentally, who would take (woefully bad) advice from a bratty spoiled teenager?
Very interesting clip there, watching LaGarde especially. She never once smiles, nods, or makes eye contact with Ivanka while Ivanka is speaking. And if you watch closely, you can see LaGarde’s chest rising and falling as if she is trying to contain her rage. I cannot imagine what these brilliant, accomplished women…
What’s with her heavy breathing while talking? Her dad does this too. Does the whole family have respiratory issues?