Waffle Monster

The technology in that whole show is just all over the place.

Hey guys, Diamond hard ADC main here to weigh in.

Yeah. As much as the guy deserved it, that’s assault. Players on the field should never, ever, ever do this. It may be funny to watch (I’ve watched it a couple time myself) but it’s just a straight up lawsuit and maybe criminal charges, depending on injuries sustained. Not goooood.

Yes. Yes. Yes. Make fun of yourself so hard that George doesn’t have anything left to say about you. OWN IT. You got this. Screw that neckbeard.

I’m with you. I’m tried of being treated like I don’t know how to play a video game. Hmmm...I wonder what button opens a door. Probably the left-trigger.

Eh, I’m glad for every change they’re making. Remakes aren’t just about graphics. I’ve never, ever liked the tank controls and have longed for the day you could aim your gun and move.

They did, in fact, skip E3 for several years. How long do you think they should need before releasing a silly 30 second teaser for a game? 5 years? 10 years?

Yeah. Terrible idea. Terrible, terrible idea. Luckily, there are other platforms to purchase games from and I think I might just start taking my money over there. Bye Steam, it was a shitfest and I won’t miss you!

Nothing. He’s probably white, a hipster and too cool for this stuff.

I’m right with you on this. 100%. I hate it.

Okay. I don’t get it. You said it makes you speak in pirate similes all the time. Like, you made it sound like an offensive amount but the picture you used above it is just a standard conversation. I couldn’t spot a single simile, especially a pirate one. Am I mistaken? I even google’d simile. lol.

The Rock is gonna play Black Adam.

Literally every person I’ve talked to or interacted with about Infinity Wars knows everyone about the MCU. They have favorite characters and favorite movies and plenty of meta-knowledge about it all. I have yet to meet someone who thought they were going to win. And have never met someone who doesn’t remember that

How in the holy crap was anyone suprised that it ended that way!? Of course, Thanos was going to win. Of course several characters were going to die. I love a lot of these characters and I didn’t bat an eyelash cause it was all very, very predictable.

That’s funny cause I followed this game closely since the beta and not once did I notice no micro-transactions. Not till they actually took them out. SO weird. Hmmm...

I honestly really disliked this game. But I prefer a little more direction, even in true open-world games. I’m definitely on the “this feels like an over-priced beta” side of the fence. I really, really felt like I did not get my money’s worth out of it.

Yeah, well...I wanna have fun and having a bunch of random assholes show up and ruin that for no real good reason isn’t really acceptable. I paid $60 bucks to play a video game and have fun, not sit in a brig cause a few friends dc’d or because 12-year-olds.

The main problem with that and why I think RPG’s are becoming more “user-friendly” is because RPG’s are about the numbers.

I honestly didn’t clarify much when I said that but I didn’t really have law enforcement or even legislature in mind. It was mostly just a generalized statement of my personal opinion about mental health and how it correlations to certain actions/beliefs.

It happens already. There are all kinds of perversions that simply aren’t allowed in our society and it’s the responsibility of our government and law enforcement to protect us from them.