Waffle Monster

The real problem we have here is that Riot, Blizzard and Twitch are businesses. They’re here to make money and taking the actual, adequate steps to ensure toxic players don’t play their game and/or reform runs counter to their goal: Make money. A banned player doesn’t buy skins. A banned player doesn’t renew their

Yeah. I love the narrative. If they would only add some meaningful gameplay. I could never get into their games for that reason.

I reeeally don’t see it and I think people are reaching here. Also, confirmed, people really will find the stupidest shit to complain about.

What we wanted No Man’s Sky to be!? I think you meant to say, “What they advertised No Man’s Sky to be.”

I love these games. Every superhero needs games like these, to fit their crime fighting style, of course.

I completely agree. More defense characters!!!

Not gonna lie. I’m devastated that this is for VR. Not everyone can afford that shit.

Ah, yes. The ole’ “video games are making people violent” argument again. It’s to be expected. Gotta get that scapegoat in here to shift the blame away from the real problem.

Yeah. I’m with you on this one. That sounds like a really silly rule to have in a straight tournament. Maybe in some kind of exhibition or something. But in the actual tourney? No thank you.

To all those people that don’t think this is predatory or are wondering what a more scientific analysis might look like here you go. (Full disclosure: I don’t do TLDR, this is gonna be a long post full of information. If you want to learn a bit, read. If not, don’t.)

This game looks so amazing. And it’s coming on 4/20!? I know what I’ll be doing to celebrate the greatest holiday ever.

He’s got to have nothing but other assholes and 12-year-olds as a fanbase.

They could have done it a little differently and had 30 minute matches. In the same vein of PUBG, where you load up the match do your best and die. Then you just go back into queue for the next match. But not the whole “no more playing for you at all thing”.

I hated it. And absolutely agree with everything you said. I will not, under any circumstances, watch the next movie. I’m done. Disney can just fuck right off and get their fingers out of my wallet with their bullshit cash grab.

Yeah. I’m gonna side with you on this one. I kinda just cocked an eyebrow while I watched that scene. Not a single laugh in the whole theater, a few disgusted groans though.

Thank you! I did not like this movie and found it a waste of my time. And, yes, the damn casino planet needs to be addressed and not just written off. I cannot stress enough that Finn and Rose accomplished absolutely nothing that whole movie. And if people want to use failure as a theme/excuse then they are just

I feel don’t really get the point. The point is that Riot pays their professional players crap and it’s not right. These people are talented individuals with so much to offer the esports scene and Riot can more than afford to pay them decent wages for helping promote their game and esports in general.

Maybe it’s time to find another game to play, guys. There’s a lot of them about.