None of those fucking words actually mean anything.
None of those fucking words actually mean anything.
I am not a labor lawyer, but this sounds so so so illegal.
It’s so bad. She spells out the sexist manager’s logic in the full blog. Apparently he got a discount by buying the mens’ jackets in bulk, and from this fact he drew the conclusion that buying the jackets for the women would be unfair to the men because he would have to spend more money on the women then on the men,…
Come on, Atlanta and Orlando are practically next door neighbors, only separated by 450 miles in two different states. It’s easy to confuse!
You forget, when a white guy does it, it’s not terrorism. That’s literally the official policy of the U.S. now.
“Sweden” not Swedan.”
“he likely intended to say Orlando but somehow can’t remember the name of one of the largest cities in his adopted home state.”
True, 45* wasn’t ever going to refer to Eric Rudolph’s act of domestic terrorism. I expect that 45* will only use Atlanta like a foil, as he does with Chicago. And you’re probably right, he likely intended to say Orlando but somehow can’t remember the name of one of the largest cities in his adopted home state.
Atlanta was attacked by a terrorist, during the Olympics.
This comment made me laugh my ass off. Brava.
Sweden, Bowling Green, Atlanta #neverforget
A whole new world is aladdin. Part of your world is Ariel. Its close enough. ;)
For the cops to be there when they landed, wouldn’t the flight attendants have had to call ahead?
Dear homophobes, racists, sexist, and xenophobes: it is not the job of everyone else in the world who is not like you to erase their identities just so you can remain “comfortable.” Get over yourselves.
It is. Especially because the average, non-shitty person is usually bothered due to something specific - having their space invaded by someone’s luggage, loud and obnoxious behavior... This guy called the cops simply due to Mykki Blanco existing and happening to be sitting there.
Don’t passengers have to be doing something for the police to get called to the airport?
Well, the next time I fly and get stuck beside an old woman with pointy elbows (it’s a thing that almost always happens to me), I’m gonna call the cops, I guess. Because there is no human decency anymore and I’ve always wanted to be an asshole unfettered by politeness and decorum.
You mean Ontario California airport. There is no Toronto California airport. See, it even confused you.
WHY DO PEOPLE CONTINUE TO FLY DELTA?! Seriously, I would rather have a 1000 hour layover on a different flight than fly Delta. Or American. Or Spirit.
I always thought the best stranger to sit next to on a plane was one that fell asleep and didn’t’ actively bother you. Trying to imagine calling the cops on my row mate for sleeping and not bothering me.