

I really feel like places that bank on objectification of the staff would be best if they were unisex. That way people would have to confront their gender biases and phobias about sexualizing men as well as destigmatize the overt sexualization of women which is much more accepted (and often oppressive). The fact that

I think you mistook my statement for a position. I’m pro-whatever the hell consenting adults want to do with their bodies, and I strongly suspect that even in a postfeminist society there will be women (and men) who choose to earn their living performing for the male (and female) gaze.

No, they'd just assume he was gay.

He’s always had Koch money, that’s how he got to be Governor. =/

I’m with you. I don’t see the benefit. Sure, people get mad when I read Deadspin on my drive to work and run a red light and hit a van full of puppies, but I think that’s mostly just because of the drinking.

Offensive to who? Rapists?

Neither is she. If you think that then you missed the point entirely.

If that had been the debate topic, he would have failed for overlooking all the functionally more relevant recommendations over his paranoia of being cheated on.

well this comment fucking sucks, is the thing.


I just tried to lick every part of my body possible...No knees.

Clearly the best one in my opinion. Hard to believe you could pull off something that elaborate in a game but there it is. Most of the rest were great but similar “thunder dunks coming off of blown defenses.” Boogie running the court would be the runner up.

That JR Smith reverse was everything I loved about basketball when I was a kid in the 90’s

It’s been, what, seven years? And still, yet another new Brett Favre dick pic surfaces.

Yeah, I guess I just assume that with Ferguson, the racism is implied.

+1 for you so that we may have a bipartisan future

remember a couple weeks ago, when everyone was all over Trevor Noah, not b/c his tweets were offensive, but b/c they were both offensive and desperately unfunny? this is exactly like that.

You know what would suck more than running 26.2 miles?