
Except when it’s meant to raise the prospect’s position. It wouldn’t be surprising if the recent positive chatter re: Mariota was intended to make people want to trade for Tennessee’s no. 2 pick.

he’s either going first or second, so neither of those scenarios really makes sense...

not to mention Manny speaks English well

ugh, agree to disagree I guess. “Gooey” is not a quality I look for in many foods, cookies especially

Subway cookies are nasty (are they even cooked through?) - free leslie’s cookie opinions

wow, I thought the fucking winky face emoticon was clear enough that it was a joke - I guess even the tiniest amount of subtlety is lost on some people...

And to be clear, even if he had, his answer would STILL have been patently insane.

somehow I doubt he was assigned the debate topic “What recommendations would you give god to redesign human anatomy?”

Also, fyi, it’s 9 am, not 1 am ;)

“John Wall dance” took 3 seconds to Google (likely less time than it took you to post this comment)...

pretty weak parade if you ask me, deserved the pissing. have a good night.

so glad you asked. b/c it’s the most obvious thing possible. scrolling to the comments, who DIDN’T expect a marathon bombing joke? and that’s all it was - a reference to the fact that bombing happened. it wasn’t surprising, or insightful, or revealing - it was just...expected. which is not funny imo.

huh, guess my internet-sycophant army isn’t big enough yet. thx for the star update!

what’s the big deal?

I don’t like shitty comedy, and I don’t give one single fuck about whether you or any other Bostonian “approves” the joke - that doesn’t make it any funnier

I assume, like most trophy animals, some part is converted into a trophy (the head, tusks, hide, or even the whole thing taxidermied). Idk what happens to any “usable” parts (ie, the meat). I assume in a typical scenario it gets wasted.

lol fair enough

someday, when the world is powered by mindless +1s, you won’t have to stop at tv host - you will rule us all.

oh they are poor, I get it! hilarious.