
perhaps...but Fenway’s been around since 19fucking12 - so I doubt they’ll make them change it now. also, there’s a difference between a potential advantage that happens on maybe 2-3 balls per game and one that comes into play any time a ball hits the ground.

Jays players being more familiar with the unusual conditions since they would play there 81 times per year, plus “fair play” in the sense of allowing all teams to build and prepare for relatively similar playing conditions.

that is fucking intense

yes, the internet comment threads of the world are full of refined, sophisticated men and women expressing themselves like the truest of adults. nary an emoticon, acronym, meme, or stupid joke to be found here. i wasn't all that worried about "expressing myself" in an adequately manly manner, but it appears important

Trust me, a man can be adequate without getting a pedicure at all, let alone every month. Is it my fault you say things that tickle my funny bone???

a pedicure every month lolololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololo

that is some fucked up doctoring (unless required by law, which wouldn’t surprise me these days)

People respond in very different ways, but it is totally untrue to say that abortion is generally “traumatic.” A big part of the reason it is traumatizing at all is not the procedure itself but the secrecy, shame, and scrutiny society places upon it. So I would say that if you’re actually concerned with lessening the

Some crack reporting by ESPN on this one (at least they’re covering all their bases, I guess):

THANK YOU for this article. When the last one about his "penis monitoring" went up with its chuckle-hut tone, I was bothered. Rapists should be harshly punished, but I thought it was a weird thing for a site with otherwise such sensible criminal-punishment ideas to celebrate.