Nah, your whole comment sucks, just like the conservative viewpoint.
Nah, your whole comment sucks, just like the conservative viewpoint.
The polite, friendly, we’re-all-on-the-same-team-after-all-aren’t-we? approach has failed us over and over. It failed us through eight years of Bush’s neofascist lite policies, it failed us through eight years of Obama trying to undo all that damage, and it is failing us now.
remember when the Rockets openly hated McHale and he got canned because of it and then we all buried Harden for being a Coach Killer?
One of the worst parts of the Trump presidency is the disappointment of seeing who joins the cult.
They even have the grey dystopian color palette.
That is not true at all. Where the hell did you get that nonsense from?
For your information, since you’re not up to date on what a blocking foul and charge is, the movement of your feet is not a determining factor of a block or charge.
This morning on the “Sunday shows” I saw the usual hand-wringing about how “this year it’s really gone too far.” Listen, bitches. You’re the White House Correspondents’ Association. You’re supposed to have an adversarial relationship with our leaders. You’re supposed to be the ones holding their feet to the fire. You’r…
Scorn and mockery is all the people in that room deserved.
In my first year of teaching I really wanted to get along with the school secretary and the attendance clerk, so one thing I did was bring them Girl Scout Cookies. A box of Samoas for each of them.
It is right and good that Samoas ended at the top of the list, Megan. The farther down the page we got with no mention of my caramel and chocolate loves had me alternating between horror (that you wouldn’t list them) and rage (that you thought some other, sadder, less good cookie would prevail).
but did Vargas pay for the shorts? that’s the important thing.
actually, i’m a 54-y-o black woman who has never had interest in marvel or dc movies. after black panther, and the ending with “bucky” (is that his name?) i am seriously considering seeing “infinity wars.” so yes, the saga continues.
I too am a veteran. I carried a M16 with me to work every day. I hadn’t had any experience with guns at all before that point in my life. I became a top marksman in the Air Force on a wide variety of weapons.
Yeah like conservation of language. You don’t have to say racist shit goblin incestful ass face, you can just say Trump.
Only once in a blue ball will Theismann get his idioms right. Until then, you just gotta turn a blind herring to it.
Trump thinks the parade...would boost the spirit of America.
Also proven effective in preventing mass shootings: stricter gun laws. Let’s go with that one first, then address the media.
And here I thought the Steelers didn’t have any QB sneak plays.