
My father and step-mother worked for the State dept under Clinton. They were actually stationed in Yemen when the embassy was attacked. I remember getting up that morning and reading the news. I sent my dad a frantic FB message, our usual form of communicating, asking if he was okay. Got a message back saying they

Flyovers are cool and all but how are you going to spend the rest of the 2hrs 59min 55sec of the parade? Without the B Street Band on a flatbed, there’s kind of an awkward long pause no?

Democrats support universal health care and support our troops. See the T Duckworth, the Khan family, numerous star generals, etc... Then you have Republicans and their pres-elect that hate universal health care and a president-elect that hated on the Khan family and former POWs. So yeah... he’s kind of right, only

Yeah but they wear mini-nukes and have cloaking devices. We’re totally boned now that Arnold is getting too old to fight them off.

LOL I totally read that as “from King Kong”. Maybe that’s why we need a bigger arsenal, there’ll be a rise of super sized monsters trying to take over the world?

Just want to add... his selection to run the Dept of Energy was a C/D student with a degree in animal science and is best known for stint on dancing with the stars.

We have very nice models comrade President Trump, you like, very bigly. Very good discount, lift sanctions, we bestest of friends da?

When Roy bought it... damn the feels.

My wife asked where these people were in the following movies. I said they weren’t. Why? Because they probably all die. Oh... I hate being a bastard for being right, but I have no issue with them doing it. Was a good damn movie.

I hear Barron is a wizard at cyber, perhaps he’ll get clearance at the NSA to help them folks out.

On a serious note, am I the only one that feels like this big army, big gun approach is Vietnam era thinking? I feel like Trump is trying to take us down a road we’ve painfully been down before.

I keep saying this but people want to accuse me of race baiting. Their candidate trumpeted the birther conspiracy, while campaigning on deporting 11 million people, building a wall across our border with Mexico and banning Muslims from the country. As if turning a blind eye to those things didn’t endorse all of

I’m sorry. I have only a small glimpse of that would have been likely. I serve as a Pack Leader and a Den Leader for Cub Scouts. I have black, latino, asian and white children. Their parents span both ideological spectrums. I can often hear them as we work on projects discussing their politics. As we said the

Sorry but you’re wrong. The supreme court alone will have implications as far as 50 years down the road. We’re talking about over turning RoeVWade, marriage equality, etc...