Egg Loll AKA The Blastman

i want some vagina drugs now.

Don't crest the weasel.

Maybe he meant he was going to "drop" it in the trash where it belongs.

Clint can sit on my face. Just kidding.

I like to juice da bung.

You tried to suck their cock and were rejected. Admit it, cumjunkie.

I hope you weren't directing that at me, potato neck.

sip champaign and comprehend potato

He doesn't write the stories, chief! Directors are ridiculously overrated.

Where can I buy a magazine?

People should always be labelled rasict.

I wish he was funny.

He thinks he's all that and a bag of chips.

I think you mean Murphy's Law. Duh!

Haters gonna hate.

Yes I did. I also enjoyed American Splendor, Persepolis and Ghost World. It's the superhero movies that suck.

All you libtards are just butthurt because the Donald is gonna destroy Crooked Hillary in November.

No worries, I'm sure there will be a remake.

Lebron does a crossword puzzle under the gazebo. I don't know what you are talking about.

Your comment is too long and boring.