a life jacket as well.
a life jacket as well.
Important safety tip, folks, please don’t go out on the water without another adult around.
The new season of Slow Burn, about David Duke, is excellent. I almost skipped it, because my family is from Louisiana (and I live there now) and I’m old enough to remember his presidential run, so I figured I already knew enough about that asshole. Glad I changed my mind.
I had to stop reading the updating report on her missing status because the picture of her and her beaming son together just broke my heart. Words can't express how difficult this must be for him to comprehend and deal with.
I feel so bad for her child. What a horrible thing to happen.
Coding a woman character as gay because she wears glasses is particularly iffy.
I remember hearing one of the cut references involved Daphne loading luggage in an overhead compartment and the camera pans over to Fred, who’s checking her out. Then the camera pans a bit more, and Velma is as well. Which in 2002 sounds exactly like what you’re talking about.
Self-confident enough to bang with dudes.
I can’t see Fred as anything other than the personification of the phrase “the self confidence of a straight white male”
⁷I don’t have a problem with someone taking a character from a IP chestnut and making him/her gay but I feel it might be best to introduce a new character written and performed by someone from the gay community. I do have more of a problem when a character is made gay for the sake of jokes and when those characters…
“It wasn’t just, like, for fun. Initially in the soul-swapping scene Velma and Daphne couldn’t seem to get their souls back together in the woods. And so the way they found was to kiss and the souls went back into proper alignment.”
Well, that makes PERFECT sense, I’ve always said that most problems can be solved by…
Sir, the Washington Redskins discussion is down the hall...
A rare kudos to Lea Michele for having the self awareness to not make this all about her.
Well, Amber Heard would deserve it.
The mohawk guy’s silence is noted as well.
Spike Lee angerly tweets Amber Heard’s and Joel McHales address.
Yeah! Why hasn’t Cory Monteith said a thing?
oh my fucking god blast me
I really wonder if headlines like this portend the ‘20s. If so, I’m gonna spend a lot of the decade going, ‘wait... who am I supposed to be mad at?’