
Vancouver usually.

Anna Kendrick bugs me for some reason too , everyone has certain people that just bug them for no reason. 

This is the same Academy that awarded Crash and that Green Book movie Best Picture. They make mistakes. 

So she’s a bit of a fixer upper

Mixed race people are POC. POC should be portrayed by POC. It’s not a hard concept to grasp.  At all.

As a parent of young children, after three months of quarantine, i feel like calling her VO background “substantial” is like calling the North American Continent “noteworthy”.

Ummmm have you seen Party Down or Forgetting Sarah Marshall? I hate a bland blonde woman that Hollywood supports for no reason as much as the next guy, but shes good

Mmm, pile o’ iceberg.

If we cannot provide objective, evidence-based testimony as to why we don't understand her appeal, I'm afraid we will have to recant our position and admit she is adorkably amazing. 

huh, I’ve never seen a salad so big yet so devoid of any substance

If a choice has to be made, how about choose from those who have too often been excluded instead of those who receive all manners of privilege? Or, if you just want to be pragmatic, the optics of making this decision are good and the optics of ignoring the situation are bad. And if you zoom out to society at large,

Preach! How Anna Kendrick is famous is beyond me. 

Three chuds above made essentially the same comment. So clearly not tough to find someone making the same tired joke over and over again.

That was my first thought too, but I just recently stunned myself with a ball peen hammer, so I have an excuse for coming up with something as stupid as that...

I love both Kristen Bell & Jenny Slate but those were not good casting choices for those roles 

I liked Pratt just fine, but yeah, Jack Black would’ve been a blast.

Does it get better after the dadlegs appear? I got that far and was too tired of the by-the-numbers, rote plotting & characterisation. The beginning of Onward felt, to me at least, more insufferable than many a Dreamworks film- it veered into Hotel Transylvania bad.

Yet Onward sneaks up on you. In classic Pixar fashion, it finds its way to a tearjerking finale—an unexpectedly moving destination after a journey of mild misadventure, life-lesson detours, and ’80s comedy clichés.

Really good write up - matches exactly how I felt when the moment arrived. I’ve really enjoyed this whole series and the variety of focuses and opinions involved (especially finding a moment worth writing about in some of the more tepid entries, such as Finding Dory). I’d definitely be up for a later addition for

Pretty much all Pixar movies have had absolutely terrible trailers.