

But it was totally on par for the Comrade in Chief. I hear Pickle will do the daily intelligence briefs from now on.

That tie better have tape on the back or else it was a bullshit effort, Mom.

Clearly because pushing for all races, genders, and sexual orientations to be treated like human beings mean also accepting the heinous views and actions of all the people who want the exact opposite of that?

I'm still deciding if it's worse if they truly are that super clever at chess levels masters of strategy; or if it's worse for this to be a standard surface level attempt to manipulate us with a cute little kid letter praising the most dangerous president in the tactics of Dear Leader nations.

Rookie mistake. You never say "of art history" until AFTER you deliver the baby.

It's beyond scary to have a President who values nothing, has no point of view, and issues contradictory "policies" within hours of each other. The true believers on his staff like Pence and Bannon are frightening enough, but now he's pushing some of them out and hiring more empty opportunists like himself. This is a

Good ol' woods porn. Is there anything it can't solve?

No probably about that. President Pricetag has never faced a venture he couldn't try to bilk for every cent.

I'm actually writing this from inside Epcot, which was one of his crowing achievements to try to cart on Walt's vision. Sklar was a true mix of the creative and practical minds. RIP.

Because of all the sweet, sweet money that comes from being constantly subpoenaed from working for the most corrupt administration ever?

My first thought on that article was "Wow, she's kind of a pretty Sarah Jessica Parker". Second thought: "Wow, I'm kind of a dick for thinking that". Third thought: "Wow, I'd kind of better go post that on the AV Club!"

I love these nasty bullies always hide behind their kevin did and families like Chris Christie is doing now about his bloated beach nonsense. "My kids are so upset by you meanies". The same gross people who vilify the Obama kids, Chelsea Clinton, and anyone else they can. Fuck right off.

Tell them I HATE them!

He's full on Chachified, especially the way Chachi is now

I much prefer the stories of kids who use "Trump" as insults for other kids on the playground. It's apparently quite a phenomenon

"But she is always behind her children “100 percent,” so when Pickle asked for “a Donald Trump suit” for his birthday, she bought him one, and when he asked for “a Donald Trump cake,” she made him one herself"

Wait, you DON'T get paid?

Needs a lot more reverb and a live drummer