
@Shih Tzu


I'll go further. The Black Dahlia is definitely the most disappointing movie-going experience I've had. And Rabin sent me to see it! RAAABIIIIIN!!!!!!

Thanks, I've been looking for a write-up of that talk ever since it jizzbombed all over my twitter feed.

I think the buying attributes thing is just in their sports games. To my knowledge it wasn't in Fight Night 4 and that's a shame if it has wormed its way into Champion.

I think there's more than enough Joss Whedon in both of the Uncharted games.

I wonder if we'll even still see stuff like this on the more-expensive-to-develop-for 3DS.

Indeed they did.

Either game title could replace Bonestorm.

As someone who has been playing SF2HDRemix/SFIV/SSFIV for the past three years this game certainly doesn't seem very casual to me. It seems fucking impenetrable. I really have no idea why I lose so horribly and as such I learn nothing. doesn't seem very filled out either-beyond some unhelpful intro

Magicka is great, but playing with friends only lasts for so long before someone desyncs and the rest crash to desktop. Really frustrating.

Well done.

The heavy scripting wouldn't be a problem (for me) if it was a little more like Bioshock; in that there's a ton of scripted events but also random monsters roaming the halls to keep you on your toes. I suppose that would make the ammo management game hard to manage though and Dead Space as a series seems to

The heavy scripting wouldn't be a problem (for me) if it was a little more like Bioshock; in that there's a ton of scripted events but also random monsters roaming the halls to keep you on your toes. I suppose that would make the ammo management game hard to manage though and Dead Space as a series seems to

SF4 was my reentry back into fighting games after a long hiatus. I've been looking to expand out to Blazblue but I can't get any of my friends to get it with me. I remember you making a long post about fighting games that I'll go look at now.

Wrong Magazine
I saw an article recently where the author argued that Gone Baby Gone was better than The Town because the former because it had more "heart" and "intimacy" (more shots of fat Boston citizens). I can't remember what publication I saw it in though…

I only get Japanese responses when I click on the hashtag; which I imagine is irrelevant to its prospects in the west. I'll always have your GAF post to taunt me…

I wouldn't draw too many conclusions from the demo. The game is a very, very slow burn in the beginning (which is what the demo is from) before they start piling on all the different shit you can do.

The worst part of those fights is the obnoxiously giant help text that tells you to press R2 to hold on every single time the titan tries to shake you off.