
It's hard to get excited for Bioshock 2 since it has so many things going against it. For one, all they have shown so far are fucking escort missions and a bad looking multiplayer mode. Second, the first Bioshock just felt completely self-contained.

Oblivion is like Fallout but without any personality, interesting characters, interesting story, and varied scenery. Also Fallout is not a shooter.

I agree on the not going anywhere part. Somewhere around book nine I realized I was being spoon-fed just enough to make me keep buying his padded-ass books. I guess I'd still like to know how it all ends.

Babe, you got real ugly.

You could be platform agnostic and have both; thereby avoiding the pitfalls of both platforms.

'You 'Oughta Know' Alanis or 'Head Over Feet' Alanis?

I don't think Valve can really lay claim to that title anymore. L4D is fine, but pretty dull. It's based too much around memorizing jump and pull points. TF2 is good and they'll never release Episode 3. L4D2 looks like more of the same, but L4D3 might really push the series forward when it comes out in March.

It felt disconnected from the rest of the game.

Which way does the import go? Can I import these songs into RB2 and then get rid of it or is it the other way around?

Stolen from Joystiq
Why don't you guys learn to play with REAL Legos?

I basically had to quit playing games earlier this year until I upgraded my TV. I couldn't read the text in Fable 2, Nuts and Bolts or the new Prince of Persia on my old SDTV.

I too have been reading the AV Club for about 9 years. I think the Games section is often ridiculous. It's not that I disagree with them. I am equally interested in film and yet I disagree with the movie reviews on this site almost as much as I do in the games department yet I'm never exasperated by them because they

All those things are true and the game is far from perfect, but major elements of his grading rubric are from bizarro-world; like grading down the game for not being a very good coaster.

I've gone back and edited the only angry comment I've ever made on the A.V. Club. I even ended up hating this game!

You should do a Better Late than Never on Shadow of the Colossus, Steve-O.

3.5 Halo games in 8 years isn't so bad. I don't think it's correct to compare games with movies as the development cycle for a game is so different from a movie shoot. So much usually gets cut from the first iteration of a new game because it's untested and faces several restraints from time/publishers. If they could

Current Prime Minister Netanyahu!

Wow, thanks for the Mirror's Edge link.

Nah, Halo 3 is pretty good; especially when viewed as a complete package and not in isolation as a single player campaign. It is torn between the two extremes of being hailed as unassailable transcendence by greasy teenagers that only get one game a year from their moms and attacked by roving packs of contrarians who
