
We don't know if Cox is a he or a she.

What, did someone make a mistake of having a wrong opinion in the echo chamber?

Please. Maybe to the mental health set. 99.999% of people DGAF.

This article just made me SOB! I'll be sad for the poor lil darling all day now. Boo hoo!

Like you?

Does Ebola survive outside the body?

I hate that word. It's so stupid.

I like it, my former GFs liked it, but my wife doesn't and it doesn't work for her anyway as her vagina is tipped forward in position. She needs to be on top grinding her pelvis into me to get off.

I'll buy one as long as she comes with it.

Yeah, I think crying over a bleeding finger or semen in a condom is rational too.

Yeah, and having signed contracts for every move is SOOOOOO healthy. Look, I'm not talking about ramming the dick in. One might start by brushing a finger across an playing a little, gauging responses, before slipping a finger in.

To your last, which is exactly right and how it starts.


I asked for a slab of metallic sodium once Christmas.

Maybe you should. I doubt he reacts like an asshole even if he doesn't go for it.

Madder than hell? Never ever get married.

Oh get over yourself. People in couples see what they can get away with all the time, get their hand slapped, and move on.

I guess we can give it a few days!

It's time. Get yourself checked and come north before we cut Texas off.

Does this give us a good reason to finally cut Perry and Texas loose? We can quarantine our new southern border.