
I'm really not a party with standing to do so, dear.

Not at all. It all just reinforces my political positions on what feminists want.

I want what you're smoking. The statistics are clear - men get treated much more harshly by the justice system, but don't expect any feminist to whine about equality.

Poor baby. I know it hurts when misogyny isn't the answer to all your little troubles.

Did he commit three times the crime? Doubtful. Very doubtful. You really just don't like the facts.

Three times as long? Nope. Sorry, your excuse don't fly.

I don't buy it.

It isn't bs. It is a fact. The statistics show that women get let off easy for the very same crimes.

Of course you aren't.

Having reality shoved in your face can't be pleasant when your doctrine is the womenz have it so bad.

And people in Texas wonder why I won't move there.

Fag article of the day.

I don't hate them. I detest either their duplicity or ignorance.

The should get the same sentence, or close to it. But no, womanz.....

It's very typical approaching certain that when a couple commits a crime, the man will get more time.

I guess we're not going to see any feminist calls for equality from you, or anyone else on Jezebel. After all, equality is sentencing isn't something feminists want, and of course SHE can't be responsible - for this or anything else.

She played the woman card and got a much reduced sentence.

Just another example of how women get treated better by the justice system than men do. Almost as if the woman is treated like not fully responsible.