
If a Ferrari V8 is out, I don't see why this company couldn't put someone else's V8 in there instead. If they're trying to make an insane 500 instead of an insane, Italian 500 there's plenty of other V8s that I think would be awesome; what about a HEMI?

Everything is better fresh.

The roof doesn't even go all the way down!

What goes through your mind when you weave through traffic at breakneck speeds, or cut people off in traffic, or totally ignore "stop" and "yield" signs?

So that's what a vagina looks like.

Was Dr. Zefram Cochran unavailable?

So... the galaxy is ripe for conquest?

Wasn't the whole drone supposed to end up in the hands of the Chinese or Russian military?

Publix likes to buy the whole shopping plaza and then find a liquor store to lease out on of the storefronts. They also look for chinese restaurants, greeting card/gift/crap stores, and cheap hair salons.

Vulcans have emotions, they just learn to control and suppress them through years of rigorous mental training and disciple. At least they did, before their planet blew up.

Some many people in sales of all products continue to spend their customers' money for them. The only thing this accomplishes is killing sales. People are far too judgmental about who they think can pay for what.

Your argument is ridiculous. First of all, kids on the Internet can be exposed to so much worse just by a typo of the word "gizmodo". Secondly, the articles on this site have contained vulgarities and adult-only subject matter for years (or at least the year I've been reading it). And finally, how about YOU filter

Acura's, for sure.

Stickers are for wimps. Wait until he comes out and beat him up.

"For while a mash-up can be fun, playful and ironic, the idea of erecting billboards inside our cinematic fantasies goes too far. Get your stinking paws off my memories, you damned dirty Mad Men!"

I expected the e-type, but I'd rather have one of these.

Next thing you know they're going to try to establish Australia as a legitimate country.

People have "Internet muscles", just like they have "telephone muscles" and "postbox muscles". If they don't have to say it to your face, they can be rude and obnoxious, even if they have a valid point (but it's more often than not a good excuse to blow off some steam).