
And that's the most un-RTD like episode of his time. The Midnight/Turn Left one two punch was an ingenious way of doing Doctor-lite/Companion-lite to save money without sacrificing story. It makes up for the Love & Monsters mess.

I think RTD has done it better. Moffat left to his own devices gets too into his ideas and I feel like he elevates his plot devices over the history of the series. Also, he ended two straight seasons with a cheap Deus ex Machina ending to get the Doctor out of trouble. River Song has outlived her usefulness on the

Ah forgot about that. Yeah, no idea why Pead keeps popping up. My only guess is it's a callback to Chalupa Batman saying his name.

Bond's scene where he's skeet shooting with Largo is one of my favorite scenes in the entire series. He points out that the gun is for ladies, Largo asks if he knows a lot about guns and Bond replies "No. I know a bit about girls." And then he says that shooting looks difficult before shooting from the hip and

Love that Gable's Back and Garbo's Got Him! shout out.

That ending was a nice reminder of how good Alexander Skarsgard can be at goofy comedy. Don't think he's done anything so silly since Zoolander. Earth to Brent.

They've been done filming for some time now, haven't they?

Before the season, he was speculated as having strong sleeper potential. That never panned out.

I liked it. Andre on the couch talking about getting moist was hysterical, one of the funniest moments of the season. And that last scene before the credits really got to me.

Tina's always on fire.

I don't think Bored to Death dipped that low until it moved to Mondays in its third and final season. Though Sunday night numbers aren't as important to HBO as they are to other networks. Girls doesn't do much better on Sunday nights than Hello Ladies despite the buzz, but it apparently adds up a lot of viewers

Great write up on the movie. I agree that it holds up very well. I liked it as an 11 year old when I first saw it, but now as an adult, I appreciate what it was trying to do. It's one of Schwarzenegger's best performances and he's clearly having a lot of fun parodying himself.

That was typically funny music, but it will be very difficult for them to ever top the Mad Pooper music.

And looking almost exactly the same all these years later!

"She's 45 years old, but she looks 30 and handles like she's 20."

I'm fairly new to comments on AV Club…are these laments about an A- in jest or are they for real?

There is a fantastic graphic novel with Michael Myers called Nightdance. I think the best way to reboot the franchise is too ditch the family aspect since it's been done to death now and take him back to the original version of a stalker that just kills people for seemingly no reason. Nightdance follows a girl who

Kenny's never happy. When he gets fame and women, he wants the domestic life with April but as soon as he gets that, he wants fame and other women.

Pete still gets to date beautiful women and he makes a living doing something he puts little effort into. If he's supposed to be the biggest loser in the league, they aren't really showing it.

I really didn't like the Dollmaker stuff because it was too much like Criminal Minds for my tastes, but all the references were great. I was stunned when Ra's was mentioned. Glad the DC Embargo is a thing of the past.