
Another thing I learned to do. If you are just wanting to play a game to get through it or for the story, don't be ashamed of playing on easy. As a father with a huge backlog and limited time I have found playing the games I care less about on easy helps be get through them quicker. I no longer have time for the

I just recently went back to look for my AoE2 cd hidden somewhere in some old boxes...and then BAM! I found it, the whole package too!

Feeling run-down? Get down to your doctor for a Benzedrine script! All the pep you need!

This is EXACTLY what I was going to say! People were skinnier then because all their food choices were nauseating. They didn't smoke because they wanted to, it was just the only way to not be hungry!

My mother still makes something called congealed salad for holiday meals. Yes, my friends. It is as gross as it sounds, but apparently, I'm the only nut that thinks so in my family. Orange jello, cool whip, crushed pineapple, and wait for it, shredded cheese.