
i now hate VW. i would have gone for this too. it is dominated by miata only because thats the only option... there are many of us who don't want to buy a miata ;)... or a EOS.

or was on fire?

but it'll never charge?

I hate this story because it ends like a bad movie ending. WHAT HAPPENED AFTERWARDS?

did you win the deal? people heckle you a little bit later? what? what? WHAT? @$#&$^@

I'm really curious who thinks of these programs. I have a 89 s10 that i wasn't going to trade in for 4x its worth just to sink that money into a new car that will depreciate that money away in no time. This program probably did absolutely nothing in a 2 year span when it came to sales.

I hate kinja. I can't figure out what responses work or not. anyways. yes I have a manual v wagon!

how do you even plea any mercy in this case???

thats what that floppy knob in the middle is for right? :) what other way is there to get one?

i think we only get the 2.5L too in the states.

this perplexes me. it looks like a factory headunit on the bottom with the button layout and how easy to read it all is... yet an ipad is mounted above it (though it doesn't have a dongle connected to it)

I forgot to mention what that last purchase was..... how loopy am I??? EVEN TRADE?!

I get it, you're a Miata fanboi til you die which is why it scored a 73. I mean, you gave it a 7/10 for toys yet it has nothing more than a power top now (which you wouldn't even option if it were yourself buying it). If it were any other car with that lackluster of an interior/toys you would have given it a 2 or a 3.

how early must it have been to get nearly nobody around you on rock creek?

a diesel 6spd 6 wagon would strongly make me reconsider my most recent purchase....

diesel plz.

why is the rotary put on such a pedestal? I only read about how crappy they are.

Interestingly enough, in China you cannot use electronic devices on the entire flight! I thought it was takeoff/landing only so I opened my phone mid flight and got a very stern cease request by the pretty stewardess....

minis are unreliable??

missed the sarcasm by thaaaat much!

it is already rusting.