one frequents the c&c around here!
one frequents the c&c around here!
offending asian girl. please turn around so we can see you from the front.
CTS-V justified.
waiting for some internet troll to buy that car from under him.
in other news. excellent choice in car. might as well buy the new one when it comes out too.
to replace batteries:
1) disassemble entire car to get to 1 specially engineered nut that requires this $80 wrench.
2) suddenly realize 99.9% of all mechanics won't know how to fix these things nor should you trust them to.
waiting for someone to comment about how the motorcyclist wasn't the primary asshole. this video should have been labeled instant karma!
lets be honest. weapons grade performance isn't any better.
explosion was pink due to the camera
you should do a side by side comparison of engine noises. cuz this sounds about the same to me?
so in Europe you can't do replicas... but in the US its A-OK? Thats a first.
so ur saying there are honorable tow truck operators.....
realm of possibility. yes. feasible for the average theif to know how to figure out? probably not. otherwise, imo, he could be using those skills towards a legitimate job.
right I understand the flatbed idea but flatbeds are often not very quiet. the truck itself is loud, and the moving bed is often loud too.
how do u steal a new car these days? with the keyless push starts and what not?
4 bags = $1400? i'd leave them too. but bags 4-10 on delta are $200 a pop. rediculous.
simple solution. don't have bad credit.
who makes the supercharged v6? in this day and age, get the lower model and increase the boost!
4 doors or if someone has a child seat to put in the back.
so if MSRP is 34745... what is invoice?
I wonder what that does to depreciation if the same body style gets more expensive each year. is it a bargain to get a 08 at 69k then?