who shit in your cornflakes today?
who shit in your cornflakes today?
man, if I still had my ms6, i would be sourcing hard for that center console.
I'm going to try the 1-4 skip on my CTS-V tonight maybe i'll get better then 15 fucking MPG..
propeller seems fine?
thats besides the point. cops in china look like Paul Blart
no guns there. cops drive around in dopey VWs with their lights going all the time. Kinda like how in DC they keep the lights on in some form to deter crime. I don't ever recall anyone misbehaving getting stopped by them.
would helicopter be a better description? it rotates. like a frisbee.
why would it be odd? the plane cart wheels before coming to a rest. also, the tail is far far away from the planes final resting spot
if the amt I see on the road is any bearing, they sold a ton of these when they were "in".
nice corolla All-trac wagon!
didn't call you the fatass. "one" meaning some "one". I crossfit. I admit it's a bit cult-ish. but hey, I don't bust on the Jazzercise and Curves cults, whatever makes someone move their body, is all good in my books.
ever try it? if there ever is a cult to be a part of, it might as well be something that makes one less of a fatass.
this is what happens when douchebags become successful. I see that double popped collar and raise you one more!
ok lets be completely clear with Virginia. where abouts? Northern Virginia is as southern as I am white.
did you miss the part about California? Pretty sure the US won't extradite you to China. haha
this article is full of win. I don't follow NASCAR or Danica..... but boy is she a looker in my books.
getting in shape is 70% diet, 20% mental 10% physical activity. You're making excuses when you say you can't control your food aspect. Is your wife overweight too? Make the challenge a group thing and start out slow and scaled. Cut out the complex carbs in your diet.
Just like Canada trying to differentiate itself from the other N. American country... people in the UK can't accept YAY... they have to say YEHHHY.
BRB, gonna plastidip my dog. i'll remember to tape off the important parts.