
I’m a 100% Team Ripa here. Kelly is an amazing host and she has kept LIVE going for almost two decades. She put up with Regis’s rude, hungover ass forgetting guest names and generally being a wang. She is perky and happy and engaged in 6" heels every motherfucking day, and she can cohost with virtually anyone.

I have repeatedly asked Sanders supporters on this forum if they would support the contention that the person with the most pledged delegates and popular vote should get the nomination. So far, other than one brave soul who agreed with me, all I get back is dead silence. Telling. Very Telling. There is one idiot down

Honestly, I hope he is at least entertaining the idea of dropping out. I understand if he doesn’t, he has every right to stay in, but I would lose a lot of respect for him if he isn’t even mentally weighing the pros and cons. Something, eventually, will need to be done to diffuse the #bernorbust insanity.

Really? You’re going all Tea Party?

So Jeff Weaver says the Sanders campaign intends to try to overturn the pledged delegates and popular votes with superdelegates. I’m sure all the people I’ve heard complaining about the superdelegates - and who I’ve told that the superdelegates would support Sanders if he were winning - will condemn this statement.

Stay mad, Erika haters!

This song is truly terrible. I can’t wait to hear it at every house party on Fire Island this summer.

This is song just gave what is about to be a stressful work week LIFE. Adding to my Spotify “ride home from work” playlist. And also my “ride to work” playlist. Shit it’s going on ALL MY PLAYLISTS.

“naive kids who believe in wizards and unicorns.”

Man, that moment where Biden invites her family in then repeatedly makes her repeat the sexual stuff in graphic detail.

I’m so confused, literally none of them look like this:

You don’t go for that chinless creeper look?

That’s not happened. She wrote a few letters and visited Adnan’s family. She signed a affidavit to that effect immediately after Adnan’s conviction. During the first post trial hearing, she called the State to try to get on the stand and the prosecutor (Urick) lied to her and said she didn’t have to. He then testified

Oh okay see, I was actually really annoyed by his comment but can tell from your tone that I’m being an over-sensitive harpy bitch who is mos def. not cool like our Lord and Savior Bernie Sanders.

If RHOBH is any indication, Yo's autobiography will be as boring as hell.

Well there’s an “and” in there so Kates.

Calm down, Jen. Just go smoke a blunt and be happy there aren't approx 15 children up in your business.

I’ll never cease to be amazed by how quickly people forget that superdelegates jumped ship from Clinton to Obama in 2008 once it became clear that he was winning.

There’s no conspiracy. If Bernie were actually winning (or if he manages some major upsets in the next few big primaries) more superdelegates would join his

Just an FYI, most people don’t use enough foundation (especially all over their face) to get the full protection of the spf. Probably not a big deal if you’re inside all day, but definitely something to be aware of.
