
Oooh you should try real chemistry luminous 3 minute peel. It’s amazing. You put it on your face, add a little water and rub and it takes away all your dead skin without the scrubbing of a typical exfoliator. It’s the softest my skin has ever been and it’s gentle on your face. The only downside is that it will get

I’m 42 and have no idea what a serum is supposed to do. I think it’s in addition to moisturizer, not instead of it but I’m not sure what the benefit is supposed to be.

OMG I am 35 years old and I still don’t know my damn skin type. I believe there should be another category. Something along the lines of “hormonal-with a dash of environmental intervention - mess”.

Sephora has a sale going on right now, I just wrote a 12 page paper in five hours and haven’t slept in a day, and now I am going to go spend ALL OF THE MONEY.

Cheers, Jessica Alba.

I just wish that some of the people who have admitted that voting for the bill was a mistake had actually tried to repeal/update it. That would indicate that they were offering more than words (or with all the attention to it at the moment, now would be a perfect time to address how they’d fix the problems it created.)

That was a really interesting and reasonable article. I look forward to it having absolutely no impact on the conversations we like to have in these here gawker comment threads.

It’s not unlike the “Occupy Wall Street” movement. Lots of great energy/intent behind it - yet so cynical/mistrustful of the system (and rightly so) that it becomes ineffectual in working towards lasting long term change. There need to be goals and objectives to aim and trade towards.

Wish they could realize that

I think this is a guy with too much pride and too susceptible to the sunken cost fallacy flailing wildly to stay afloat. It’s really, really easy to say “that guy should be prosecuted” when that’s not your job and you have no idea if he actually violated any laws (see: The Internet).

I almost wonder if this was him trying to lower expectations? I just am having such a hard time that someone who has spent 90% of my lifetime talking about an issue would know so, so little about it.

Oh man. Oh man. I hadn’t thought about how this trainwreck of an interview would impact the debate. Daaaamn

You would think a feminist website might want to spend a little bit of time discussing sexism in politics, but nooooo, apparently the only sexism that exists is in the GOP. It’s so disappointing. I don’t even care if they support Bernie over Hillary, that is their right. But they still need to do their damn job and

Nobody gives a damn if Sanders knows about subway tokens. But it’s a big damn deal that he has no clue about his signature promise to break up the banks. And had it been Clinton who screwed up that bad, you would be writing a novel length post about how she is unfit to be president.

No. These are his main taking points. If a continued refrain of his is that it’s outrageous that kids are in jail for pit but financial ceo’s have faced no jail time for the crisis, he should be able to point to the statue under which they’d be penalized by the justice system.

I honestly don’t trust that he is capable of working out the solutions or finding good advisers at this point.

Yeah, stupid Hillary with her research and planning and policy and basically knowing all of her shit. It’s almost like there’s a ephemeral reason why she needs to always come off prepared and not wing it like the rest of the people in the election.

Yes, as Sady Doyle said, Sanders was making law for 27 years. How do you expect for him to know anything about laws? Or even how to ride the Metro in washington?

No, this interview really was a disaster, and now you’re trying to write off how bad it was. His only answer on trade was that he agrees with Trump! And you’re trying to bury it with the inconsequential crap about the subway? Sanders finally gets tested on his policy, fails spectacularly, and this is all you can

I have some sympathy for this position (he’s a little over his head, but he’ll figure the specifics out soon enough), but he’s been arguing from the floor of the Senate that Wall Street execs should have been prosecuted for years. Finding out that he doesn’t know whether there’s even a law under which they could be