
Not a bro. Also I didn’t say they didn’t matter. I’m saying a bigger deal is being made out of it by the supporters when in all actuality those votes would have netted him maybe 8 more delegates if they ALL WENT TO BERNIE. Also none of this has been verified as of yet. Some of those who said they weren’t allowed to

I’m sorry this part threw me off “I know that if all 125k disenfranchised primary voters had been able to vote it probably would have split at best 50/50.”

The margin is like 300K right now. And lets not pretend that all those voters were going to go for Bernie. That’s asking a lot of flexible math.

I love Grandpa Joe. But that little bit made me hate him. I had some serious issues with Joe Biden initially in the movie. By the end it was a bit better but it really made me miss Ted Kennedy.

It’s so refreshing to see what all those years of education cuts have done to the understanding of our government and it’s processes. Also... Superdelegates can’t help you if your candidate is losing. This is how it always worked. You jackholes.

I’d really love for someone to do a time capsule piece on what inner cities were like in the 1990s and the literal terror people felt just existing in such spaces. I’d also really love if we could actually talk about the actual Crime rates in the cities and how drastically that changed. Then we can talk about the

That’s the kind of bullshitty non descript shit I’m not buying in this election cycle.

My water game is strong. I know nothing about different types of moisturizers. I try to put on eye cream, sporadically. I have a strong makeup game and my foundation has SPF built in so I don’t have to think about that. I have a lot of treatment samples I’ve collected, that I put on occasionally. I mean I have all the

I’m not super into conspiracy theories. Also as much as Bernie said the words he still voted for it. So he didn’t mind the consequences that much.

holy crap. Your skin care product game exceeds mine and I’ll be 38 in like 6 months. I’m basically an exfoliation girl. I believe in scrubbing your face raw on a regular basis. I like the Booths Micro D like one. I also use a facial brush 3 or 4 times a week and I try to moisturize... I fail at that one a lot. I’m

90s=Bleading heart liberal ... twenty tens OMFG HE’S BASICALLY TED CRUZ.


I find it humorous that you think I don’t know this. The problem is how do they plan to achieve these goals? I’ve yet to hear that kind of talk from them and I’ve read the website. I cheerleaded them on for a while, but this isn’t furthering the goal or any goal except making headlines in an election. What’s the plan

Comfortable affluent negro my ass. I find it humorous that you think from my opinion that you know where I came from, where I was raised, and what I saw growing up. See this is the problem. I’m neither. I’m lower middle class. I’m not comfortable with any of those things. But I don’t see anyone proposing ANY IDEAS to

THAT I agree with 100%

My main issue is what do you want from Bill? An apology? Is an apology going to be able to wash that all away? They’ve admitted several times they over shot by a mile with the crime bill. Hillary’s apologized for the super predator comment, so what do they really want to accomplish? I mean I would love to get involved

As a POC I don’t disagree with anything he said. At that point in time shit was like it was now but like 50 times worse. Black Community leaders endorsed this bill. HELL BERNIE SANDERS ENDORSED THIS BILL with his sorry not sorry reasons. And the black community does have some onus to take on here. Hindsight is 20/20.