
That’s cause she has a highly curated life. She tries not to offend and pretends she’s this great feminist girl’s girl. And yet she’s nominated for a song about a hella ridiculous feud with another female artist. The real problem is, 95% of what she does and says seems so fake... And I seriously doubt this will change

Personally I blame Kanye. He forever made her the media’s favorite perma victim.

Y’all need to find Jesus.

I currently do some work with organizations that are doing actual cancer screening development work. People who are actually doing the work directly to develop cancer screening technology. I’d be super happy if this money went directly to organizations that are directly doing the work. That’s who should be getting

What kind of Cancer Research has the Komen center been known for exactly? I’m not talking about a survey either. But actual research that benefits women. Awareness fine... I give them that. But I’ve not seen anything scientific or helpful coming out of that place that makes me feel like I should be giving too many

Why do you believe the mom because the judge made a serious critical thinking error? Nothing in any of these articles speaks well to the mother other than the fact that now since her not following visitation schedules and being threatened with this very action instead of petitioning for a new judge if she was that

You’d be surprised how many people get supervised visitation during custody cases. It’s more often than you think in my area. Especially if a parent leveled ANY abuse claim, whether true or not false or if the kid is being resistant to visitation or if either parent requests it.

Cause I read the article with what the dad says and I think that’s what the judge reacted to as well. This didn’t just come from no where. I don’t agree with the judges decision... which was bad... But I also do think there is alot more going on here to cause a judge to go I give up I’m putting the kids in jail and

It’s definitely hard. If it is TRUE alienation, hold the mother in contempt. I don’t see the need to take it out on the children. Granted, a 15 year old is at the choice stage. If it’s alienation that choice is clouded by a lot of other things. Counseling? sure. Juvie? No. I do think the judge here went over board.

Yeah I think we’re using too much blanket logic. My husband has a legit Alienation argument. She basically encourages zero visitation. Sometimes she’ll call on the phone and freak her daughter out and say i’m not coming to pick you up, causing anxiety in the child that her mother is just gonna like leave her here and

Parental Alienation is a real thing guys. It happens with Moms and Dads. I think what the judge is speaking about here when she refers to the Manson Cult is the fact that it IS like brainwashing. I speak from experience. That shit is not cool and is damaging and creates relationships that can not be repaired. I really

I’m ready to apologize now to all the white people who asked me if I was really black, and I looked at them like I was going to stab them in the face.

What happens when dudes try to give chicks makeup advice.

When you’ve looked a toddler in the face and have heard yourself say PLEASE JUST EAT THE STEAK... you need to evaluate your life choices cause you’re basically arguing with a tiny person who has far more resolve than you lol


Yeah we were totally lazy with all the gourmet meals we exposed our kid to. You’re totally right. We had a try it first before you refuse rule when he was younger. He tried lots of things and wouldn’t eat them. So chicken nuggets. He’s an adventurous eater now and I love that. And my husband works 55 plus hours a

How to win this... Buy an economy size bag of chicken nuggets and call it a day. My kid basically didn’t die because of chicken nuggets... And I totally didn’t leave him on the side of the road with a sign that says ‘I won’t eat any of the amazing food my parents cook for me cause i’m a jerk’ His dad is a chef by the

Team Princess 4-lyfe

LOL forever

Did we forget about the time Luann got boozed off her ass and fucked a pirate on vacation while still with Jacque or whatever the fuck? Cause I’m thinking she might have forgotten that.