Wacoal or GTFO amateurs
Wacoal or GTFO amateurs
Girl... There aren’t ways to explain how that asshat fucked me up for a while. Like I’m surprised my husband didn’t walk the fuck out with the baggage I carried from that one. It was cheating, and lying and just bullshit. Like I just reached my limit and was like basically nothing I do will hurt you... BUT this will.…
I like your style.
flushed my ex’s half pound of weed down the toilet and took his playstation directly to the pawn shop... still #sorrynotsorry.
As an actual parent who lives in PG county Maryland... If I catch my son on the street doing stupid shit, I have pre-warned him that I will drag his ass off the street. Period. My job as a parent is to make sure he doesn’t ever end up in a situation like that. I could give a shit less about anything else BUT this kind…
also I will freely admit... I started this show when it aired. I was what like 25 I’m 36 now... I can.not.stop. I’m in a ride or die situation here lol
OMG the everything is perfect shit from last week was ridiculous. I have everything I ever wanted... Drama Series 101 anytime you say that your shit is about to blow up. I was like Foreshadowing.
Dude... Who that was a fan of this show was surprised by this? I’ve been telling people every thursday for like a month that he was gonna die. Hello the casting news back January was that he wasn’t coming back. When I saw he was coming back... I was like you so dead.
Her lyrical complexity is unrivaled in today’s pop music.
I think maybe first we'd have to take seriously the planet we already inhabit for the whole catastrophe bit hits home with a lot of people. Sure lets just burn thru the galaxy colonizing and destroying other planets... sounds legit.
I think my opinion on this is firmly going to be based on whether the science involved, is viable. As of right now the opinions on this are very mixed, and I'm super wary that given the Reality show aspect of this that some corners might be cut, and it's not just like their playing with robots, It's people's lives.
I said this about 15 years ago during the Gay Rights hey days... All the black people should stand up for all the Gays... cause its basically the same thing in the denial of rights, and we've been there why would the Black Community allow that to fly or why should they against anyone else? I don't find that…
We can split this down the middle. There are tons of technically great movies that win Academy Awards. There are well acted and told movies that win Academy Awards. You seem to be the type of person who prefers technicality over performance and I prefer the performance over the technicality unless it's glaring and…
I completely disagree. If you compare it to Imitation game or any of the other period pieces it is on par and holds up. Is it Birdman or Boyhood? No. Not all BP's have to be that either. Directing isn't just about composition and editing, it's also about the acting and the telling of the story and I think Selma hits…
I'm an avid movie watcher/Oscar lover... Until this year. I watched Selma. The first 5 minutes of that movie pull you right into the moment and the time period. The acting was on point and it made you have feelings. This was the only movie that made me feel all kinds of emotions. That doesn't happen out of the air.…
Can we talk about the fact that this is all gossiping about an underage girl, before we go to the bullying thing...
Boys only want love if it's torture.
If you're not a part of the solution you're a part of the problem LOL.