
Cool story Hansel.

To be fair to Republicans, protecting our voting systems from Russian hacking might cost them some House seats.

Troll rating: 1.5/10

It’s simple to understand, notice that the hand sanitizers show “99.99%” and not 100%?

Be sure to buy ‘smart’ tires.

I would trade Zimbabwe the Donald, Don Jr., Eric, Ivanka, Jared, Pence, Mnuchin, and Jeff Sessions for some guys uncle.

“what is the theoretical fastest time around the nurburgring” “42.”


We’ll have to get it approved by Putin first.

You spelled “JD POWAH”” wrong

You were gonna tell us how how the ceremony went where your High Priestess confirmed you as a full member of her coven... 

Republican voters can barely spell ignorance, let alone understand multisyllabic words.

That snake is much cuter than some of those aggressively religious snakes.

“Juul Labs does not believe the cases have merit and will be defending them vigorously,” a Juul spokeperson told Gizmodo via email.

The ritual is very simple.

Taxes are inherently good. They are a check on oligarchy, aristocracy, and power. The fact that, over the past 50 year’s taxes have gone down and income differentials have gone up is no coincidence, it’s causation.

this is gross. everything you wrote here is just mindlessly paternalistic garbage. 

Didn’t take long to find the worst take ever.