
All glory to the economy, it is great.

That’s like saying don’t blame drug dealers for drug addicts using. They are just as much to blame as the customers themselves. Dealerships and lenders should go out of their way to scrutinize the loans and make sure these people can afford these vehicles. but as it stands dealers have no reason to do so, and lenders

Nice try at misdirection, George Lucas - this is obviously one of your burners.

Aren’t you a little dense for a storm trooper?

Thin coat of Bantha semen...

That’s exactly what someone deep into this would say.

You must be lousy at predicting and giving forecast, because i did Not vote for this lunatic stupid clown Trump.

I am glad i could make you have an asian face for a second ;)

Didn’t Gawker get bought up?

I’m also Asian.

Yes but you know why?

FB data shouldn’t be considered, IMO

Extremely rare? I’d call that extremely well done.

Do I need to?

serious, though gross, question: how is this ridiculous chemistry experiment any better—ethically or otherwise—than death by firing squad?

Scientology is really not comparable to Islam, or any other established faith with centuries of history and millions upon millions of followers.

And, of course, you should keep your dang apartment clean.

Floridan here, I don’t see the problem. I see this all the time down here and we don’t bat an eye. No one actually gets worried until the rainwater tank being towed is filled with alligators or something. Y’all are wusses. 

As an American, it sounds like you guys also have a Florida. My condolences.

Sitting here in Victoria, I had clicked on the story to say something similar, but was reconsidering it. You took the decision out of my hands - thanks :)