
Yes, because OBD II as regulated by California only requires monitors/MIL lamps based on faults that would result in a decrease in emissions, which doesnt happen in a BEV. There is a push however to standardize diagnostics for electric vehicles across manufacturers so everyone uses the same protocol, similar to what

I wonder if it turn itself off to save battery power when the driver is asleep with AutoPilot engaged. 

Technically it’s off-roading.

You kind of outted yourself when you heaved up ”snowflake”. It is rather funny that white, conservative Americans are the most delicate of all, yet they’re the type to unironically parrot garbage like that.

No no no my friend. The NRA isn’t ‘silent’ on responsible gun control: they spend tens of millions ACTIVELY lobbying/bullying/threatening against every hint of responsible legislation.

Maybe if the NRA didn't move away from gun safety and responsible use to calling for the murder of brown people and liberals....

I’m going to leverage your thought leadership when we ideate our next ecosystem disruption. I think a deep dive initiative will help unpack the core competencies needed to move the needle on our deliverables. Hopefully, it will incentivize engagement among key players. I’m out of pocket right now, so I can’t drill

The inclusion of Yakety Sax seems to lessen the tastefulness of not using the footage.

at some point maybe corporate America will realize selling $35-55k cars is difficult if there is no middle class

Um, or maybe they thought your name was Isis. Fuck this dude. As someone who used to work for Starbucks and a brown person who has a name that is frequently mistaken for Isis he seems to be making a mountain out of a mole hill. It’s not like his name was Mohammed and they called him Isis. Aziz is pretty damn close. Isi

Karbach in Houston’s Christmas ale is called Yule Shoot Your Eye Out

As someone from a family with 3 generations of auto workers including union workers and management (I run a small tech company so I’m not one of them), my personal opinion is that the UAW is more interested in protecting bad employees and enriching themselves than actually protecting wages and benefits for the average

I’m guessing you also have some strong opinions about which lives matter.

If you can learn, and train yourself to recognize, the difference between “I’m offended because I’m a self-important, moralizing person.” and “I’m offended because you’re minimizing actual harm that has happened to me because we live in an unjust system.” you will have made the first step toward being a better human

Did you just take a blow to the head? Are you okay, buddy?

One time in elementary school I ate 1 bad apple...........to this day all apples are bad.

Unions are good, the UAW is bad. That was hard.

The door is at the top right of your screen.....looks like an X

Airbnb is the refuse bin of the share economy. Outside of a few small towns and cities that don’t have adequate hotels (looking at you Santa Fe, NM) there is just too much in the way of misleading listings and other technical issues that make the platform seem like it’s eternally in beta mode.