
I can fill you in, since I’m a satellite sufferer. Multiplayer gaming is the obvious one, however the only good video buffering I’ve seen is from Netflix. I can’t stream anything live, I also can’t use voip, and Skype is unbearable. I also frequently lose my connection completely, even though my setup is working

Seconded. I’ve been using this since it first came out, and I find it to be quite accurate, in a setting where accuracy is hard to come by.

Yes, I use a responsive approach for my sites. No content is lost, just the layout is changed (and smaller resources used to save bandwidth). Thanks for all the replies everyone. I love to hear people’s usability issues. Not because I want you to have issues, but because I want to help push fixes.

That’s understandable, the content should be device-agnostic. Thanks for the input!

As a web developer, I’d love for you to expand on what is terrible. I’m not going to post any of my sites here, because I’m not trying to garner traffic. Knowing what people hate about mobile surfing could be really helpful though.

Wes, you've previously suggested iodine tincture as your only source of disinfection. Have you changed your stance? I'm just wondering if something specific made you change over to chlorine dioxide.

Woe be to Windows users that are interested in Apple events. I find it so ridiculous and unreasonable that they would limit the stream. Aren't we past all this nonsense?

In the current version, if you flip to landscape mode, it automatically switches to the 7-day view. It's not as squishy in landscape.

This is a very interesting article for me. I've been straight-edge since I was 14. I took LSD once, with some trusted friends. I've been considering an Ayahuasca ceremony for a while, but I'm a little worried about finding an authentic one.

I've never taken any other drugs at all. I find myself intrigued, but

Thanks for this, I'm going to take a look at it for my firearms. I'm relatively new to them and I've been trying to figure out what to buy to protect them. Also I'd rather use something like this on my knife, since I tend to use it for everything... food included.

Interestingly, the latest Chrome update keeps freezing my entire computer when I run it. Windows 8.1. I can't figure out what it's conflicting with (although I've read various reports all over Google's product forums). I just switched back to Firefox this week, and after a bit of getting used to, I feel pretty good

This is to you, and to any other commenters that live or have been to Iceland. Do you think I could go alone? I don't think I know anyone that would brave this environment with me, but I feel that I have to experience it.

I currently have two goats and four sheep (Shetland). One day I was eating my breakfast out in their paddock, and our eldest sheep came up to me and just stared.

So I shared my PB&J on toast with her. She really loved it. That's my story, thanks for coming out.

Yeesh indeed. I wish I hadn't read that. I'll put it to the test and let you know for certain.

Wes, could I get your opinion on Tops knives? I got sold on the screaming eagle a while back as my bushcraft blade. The guy was really gung-ho about it. It looks scary, but I haven't had it out in the field that much. Seeing all the ESEE knives on here is making me regret my decision.

Any idea if they are good?


This is the best thing I've read all day.

Thanks for this. I don't know if it's worth the time or effort, but I appreciate the info!

I tried my VPN, it must be tied to the account.

You are now my favourite person. +1 internets to you.

I guess you have to live in the United States for this? Stupid Canada...

Gawker media needs a Canadian content blog. Yup. It makes me sad to see all the fancy things you get.